Been reading genetics ect in rats,-with some rats its not a food /hunger issue, at all, but rather some rats try to control their enviroment,by choosing who stays and who dies.I had a female rat that would only cull of other female newborns of her own.Natures way of controlling the numbers and if a rats perception is that there may be scarce food times ahead, they also eat young to lessen the food burden.
From what ive read, it seems to alot more enviromental and phsycological reasons, for mother rats eating their young at birth in general, than diet/hunger/nourishment.
Ive also had rats that will eat an arm or leg,whilst giving birth, and then leave the baby to just die, without consuming .Very odd to observe, although that rat, has been one of the better mothers ive had.
Just one more thing, the same rat i mentioned, when the pups were 3-4 weeks old and eating, she goes around the cage picking up all the rat pups faeces and eats it. She quickly spits it out when she grabs a piece of her own , but she honestly doesnt seem to mind. Anyone else noticed that with female rats?