Can't make decision

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Active Member
Oct 8, 2008
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I have just received my licence in the post (after waiting 7 weeks because of an error on it) and have been on this site reading up on animals since the day I had signed up for it for what animal I would like.
Now I have my eye on this Stimmie I really like, but I have been also looking at bearded dragons.
Now i dont know what to choose. The snake apeals to me because i think they are amazing animals and would love to own one also they seem easier to maintaine. But the beardies intrest me because of there "personality".
I can't choose what to go for..
Your help would be much apreciated in the matter ;)
Stimmie, im getting one :)

Most of them have great temperatments, they have lovely patterns, snakes are very entertaining, its fun to watch them eat, its fun to hold them and heaps more reasons !
Remember Beardys feed every day or so,and snakes every 7-10days,some of my snakes have personality,just get whatever interest you the most.
lol i would if i could, but just convinced dad to let me have one animal, I would be pushing it at two ;)
I think probebly the Stimson but everytime I see them beardies im like wait, no changed my mind, and I don't want to get one and then be like oh bugger wish i got the other one.
i love pythons and i enjoy my friends beardie, loads of personality, but i choose not to have one because of there daily needs.
I think im going to settle on the Stimmie.. ahha but knowing me later on ill be changing my mind again :rolleyes:
I hav both n find snakes are more mysterious n beardies r more entertaining......i can easily spend hours just watchin my beardies acting crazy hahaha

I reckon u get both haha
haha yeah good plan ;)
funny thing is though.. dad thinks im getting a lizard (he works oversea's for like 5 months at a time) but mum is letting me get a snake or a lizard whichever one i choose (dad hates snakes) so its going to be funny when he arrives home, looks in the enclosure and see's its a snake :)
Go with a Stimmie. Pythons are great pets. The are easy to maintain, mysterious, different, and great to handle. Sometimes snakes can immtimidate people, but im sure you will have no problems. Then again you wont regreat it if you get a Beardy.......
haha yeah good plan ;)
funny thing is though.. dad thinks im getting a lizard (he works oversea's for like 5 months at a time) but mum is letting me get a snake or a lizard whichever one i choose (dad hates snakes) so its going to be funny when he arrives home, looks in the enclosure and see's its a snake :)

I your mum says it's ok, then get the snake first while he's away:D and then later get the lizard:lol:
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