I have just received my licence in the post (after waiting 7 weeks because of an error on it) and have been on this site reading up on animals since the day I had signed up for it for what animal I would like.
Now I have my eye on this Stimmie I really like, but I have been also looking at bearded dragons.
Now i dont know what to choose. The snake apeals to me because i think they are amazing animals and would love to own one also they seem easier to maintaine. But the beardies intrest me because of there "personality".
I can't choose what to go for..
Your help would be much apreciated in the matter
Now I have my eye on this Stimmie I really like, but I have been also looking at bearded dragons.
Now i dont know what to choose. The snake apeals to me because i think they are amazing animals and would love to own one also they seem easier to maintaine. But the beardies intrest me because of there "personality".
I can't choose what to go for..
Your help would be much apreciated in the matter