
Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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if you mix it with sand use river sand, look best with coco peat. No water dish needed, they will get moisture from the substrate. Pics would be good, i can try and id it from pics but not guarantee's
Sure, provided it survives its trip with Australia Post (it's in a urine sample jar with shredded newspper, slightly dampened) I'll post some pics up here whenever it arrives.
they are very resiliant, shouldnt have any probs
i went out the bush the other day i was looking for tiger snakes but every log i over turned there was a centipede under them. big fat ones . so now i know where to go if i ever wanted to keep them.
"brownish body with a purple sheen, yellow belly and blue legs, head a bit darker than the body"

That's the description of the beastie. Any ideas?
nope lol, i need to see a pic, get a approx leg count, count body segments and all other morphological features
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