yes.. you read right.. melting. I bought Ceramic heat emitter not so long ago.
Worked perfectly well then and only used it for some months before taking it out.
Put it away as I was cooling my coastals over winter, and popped it back in last night and straight away I could smell a burning stench.
There is no fake plants or anything else near (has a cover) that was melting onto it.
Tested it out this morning again, left off the cover etc, and the smelll returned immediately.
I also noticed on the side (underneath) it was melting i think??? well only just starting too.
Took out immediately and writing to the manufacturers right now.
So glad i noticed, would hate to think what would have happened if I popped it in before nicking straight off to work. :|
Has anyone else experienced this before? Or was mine just a freak occurance?
I just found it really odd that ceramic would melt... esp when it hardly had a chance to heat up.
Worked perfectly well then and only used it for some months before taking it out.
Put it away as I was cooling my coastals over winter, and popped it back in last night and straight away I could smell a burning stench.
There is no fake plants or anything else near (has a cover) that was melting onto it.
Tested it out this morning again, left off the cover etc, and the smelll returned immediately.
I also noticed on the side (underneath) it was melting i think??? well only just starting too.
Took out immediately and writing to the manufacturers right now.
So glad i noticed, would hate to think what would have happened if I popped it in before nicking straight off to work. :|
Has anyone else experienced this before? Or was mine just a freak occurance?
I just found it really odd that ceramic would melt... esp when it hardly had a chance to heat up.