chicks no more

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Very Well-Known Member
May 6, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all.
As you all know i sold chicks here and the reason i haven't purchased a power sellers account is thus, the hatchery i collected my cull from is closing in 6 weeks, and i didn't feel i would be needing a comercial sellers account when i'm going out of buisness.
Please note, (mods) this is not an advertisement for the chicks, mearly an FYI to past clients that there will be no more day old chicks as of october.
Many thanks.

Im sure a lot of people will be upset by the news pythoness. All the best in your future ventures.

Kind Regards.
yes it is so, the company has been bought out by a bigger hatchery and are moving production to Tamworth. The final cull is 16th of october, and i'll be caching the final run for myself, and concentrate on my Tattoo career after that.
Many thanks to all my customers for their many years of purchase, i'm sorry to see it go.
Thanks JD, yes it is sad, especially with all the money i raised for wildlife carers over the years will now run dry, i'm not too sure what will happen afterwards, but we'll keep battling on as always.
Thanks Again.
hatchery closes in 2 week guys, and than it's all over red rover.
many thanks.
I really wish that was the case gozz, but it was the only one, the only others are the ones that take eggs to schools for the kids to watch them hatch, i have searched the whole of the greater bris areal through to GC beaudesert up to the sunny and as far as gympie. There is only the very big co-orperations now, pushing all the ma and pa buisness out, and they call it progress lol.
A very big thanks to all who have helped support this worthy cause over the years. I has been deeply appreciated.
Thanks Jinin.
Last 10 bags, first in etc.
Many thanks to all my loyal clients for years of support, the rescued critters deeply appreciate it.
I really wish that was the case gozz, but it was the only one, the only others are the ones that take eggs to schools for the kids to watch them hatch, i have searched the whole of the greater bris areal through to GC beaudesert up to the sunny and as far as gympie. There is only the very big co-orperations now, pushing all the ma and pa buisness out, and they call it progress lol.
A very big thanks to all who have helped support this worthy cause over the years. I has been deeply appreciated.

I don't know much about the situation in queensland but down this way it was the "ma and pa" operations that wanted 70 cents each for cockerells and a "large corporation" that I was buying from for 2 cents each.
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