Chin skin .

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Melbourne Eastern Suburbs
l have a 4 year old , 6 foot coastal female that has developed loose skin hanging under her chin . Kind of like a Pelican . It isnt puss and doesnt seem to bother her , she still eats large rats and rubs her chin as she moves around without pain . lts like she stretched it too much and it stayed loose . Will try for a pic later .:shock:
My water python had that for a bit after a particularily large rat. For about 2 weeks she had a saggy chin but after her next shed, cleared right up.
I know exactly what you mean jungle trans!
My male Bredli had that after swalllowing a large meal.It cleared right up after a few days.
It sounds like the elastic scales around the jaw were stretched.

hehe @ pelican.
My female diamond has that but she has had it since she was a hatchling, doesn't seem to bother her either. I think she thinks she is a cobra. She does eat big meals as well. Hers runs from behind her jaw bones, i guess you would call them her cheeks ( if they had them ).

When did she last shed? Before snakes shed, there skin becomes shaggy. Especially behind the neck. Which disappears pretty much straight away.

Other wise its something new to me.
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