Not so new Member
Anybody know if these are ok to feed to Bearded Dragons? Have a plague of them every night at the moment!
Great thanks for your replies. Free feeds for a while then!
That's exactly how I'm looking at it. Besides, it gives my woodie colony a welcome break. (Funnily enough, I was a few words into this reply when a Christmas beetle bounced off the computer screen. No prizes for guessing where it finished up.)
All this hype about exoskeletons. My beardies have been eating meal worms, superworms and other hard beetles basically since I got them.
They love xmas beetles! Big chunk of juicy bug! Yum! Bet you all the local wild ones are loving them too.
I've only recently discovered this treasure trove I flying joy myself, but as soon as I start looking for em they disappear! Are there any good ways to lure them in? My Cunninghams love them
Its mainly an issue with juveniles and/or if they aren't kept at appropriate temperatures to digest the meal