cleaning snake cage

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Not so new Member
Oct 16, 2008
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Brigdtown WA
hi everyone

i would like to know how all of you other herp loving people clean you snake cage and what you use to do with and if you take him/her out so all the details of how you do it.:shock:

thanks for any posts
I put my python in a tub with its hide then take the dirtied paper out give a quick spray with F10 wipe the areas i sprayed put new paper in and put my herp back in its home lol
I I just use warm water and dishwashing liquid to clean the cage. The snake goes in a large plastic tub with holes punched in the lid while I'm cleaning. I use fake grass, and I put that in the bath with warm water and bleach to clean it.
tahlia how long does it take for the grass to dry because that what i have and i was not sure so do have to leave your snake in the tub for a while or what?
Don't keep snakes but keep lizards. I use Repti-Clean to deodorise and disinfect enclosure and contents. Take the reptile out, spray the substrate and contents, let it dry and put reptile back in. Easy as and very effective
take snake out spray enclosure with F10 then spray enclosure with water, wipe it down let it dry then place snake back inside.

I use a mix of F10 with Mrs Lintocks vanilla spray to give me herp room a nice smell.
thanks jewfish i do have a bearded dragon aswell but what substrate do you have because i have red sand and its hard work cleaning it and replasing it so im thinking of changing to something easyer.
HERPCRAZZZY:: I use outdoor carpet for my blueys and it so easy to clean. After you spray it put it in the sun for a few minutes to dry. So easy
I have two grass mats, because they can take a couple of days to dry... I leave them hanging over the bath though, so if you put it out on the line it would dry much quicker.
Quite often I place my snakes hideboxes on the floor, lift them out and show them their hidebox. 9 times out of 10 they go straight into their box and don't come out. Depends on the animal's mood at the time so every situation is judged accordingly. If they want to go wandering I will put them in a tub so I don't lose sight of them.

Chuck out old newspaper. Dust it out with either a dustpan and brush or vacuum cleaner and wash with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Now and then I use my F10 to ward off possible germs lurking but I don't use it all the time. Coming out of winter when my snakes looked a little worse for wear I increased the use of it, but while everyone has been happy go lucky, I only use it probably once every 3-4 weeks.

With my ackie's cage, I use dustpan and brush to skim over his sand to pick up crap and stuff and thats it. His furniture always comes out and washed properly under hot water then popped back in. Too easy.
Every 3-4 weeks everything gets a good scrub down with soap and water followed by a very liberal dose of F10. But following weekly defecation, I use 1 part metho to 1 part water followed by a weak dose of F10 from a spray bottle.
im going to give this f10 a go,i have been using reptile science cage cleaner but noticed it doesnt deodorise very well
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