Come on fellas, help a newbie out :)- Need help getting started.

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Not so new Member
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
Western Sydney
Hi all!
Very happy I found this forum! There are some beautiful critters out there!
I'm looking at getting a spotted python, but haven't decided on a hatchling or one a few months old. I'm keeping my eye on a few of the ads on this forum, but in the meantime I need to get the enclosure started.

I know you're probably constantly swarmed by newbies looking for help, but I've gone through some older threads and can't quite find the answers I'm looking for, so I'm hoping you can help me!

Basically, I want to know what I'm actually going to NEED.
From my experience with buying animals, people tend to go on about all these bits and pieces that you don't actually NEED. I wasted so much money on accessories and pieces of equipment for my ratbabies that they don't even use, so I don't want to make that mistake this time around.

So here we go:
What size enclosure am I going to need?
If I get a hatchling I'd be happy with just a click clack, but ones I'm looking at range from about 3-8 months old. Would they be happy temporarily in a click clack or am I better putting them straight into a decent sized enclosure; or even just a big click clack?
What size and wattage heat mat will I need?
I know this is obviously going to depend on the size of the enclosure, but a general guideline would be great!
Also, will I also need a heat lamp? I've found the answer to this question varies from person to person.. I guess it depends on the size of the enclosure and the temperature gradient?
I live in Western Sydney, and it's been quite a cool Summer. We live in an older house that gets pretty chilly of a night. In Winter what are some good precautions to ensure the enclosure doesn't get too cold- ie, insulation, etc.
How much is the general thermostat? I found one on ebay for $150. Is that the going rate?

I know the basics- substrate, water bowl, hides, humid hide for shedding, but any information or tips would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry for the essay!

Thanks in advance :)
there is thread on here how to make a clik clak which is perfect for these little guys, they dont need a lot of room, all you need is a tub, heat matt and thermostat couple hides thats just big enough for the snake these get bigger as they grow and water bowl thast heavy enough they dont knock over and keep the heat meat 1/3 under the clik clak, a 12wat mat is suffice
With your actual enclosure, you may not even need to use a thermostat, although I guess if you are going to buy one for the heat mat to use with the click clack, you may as well. Do a search for No Thermostat Setups
I have no thermostat on my enclosures. What a waste of money, especially for a click clack.

One is a click clack and the other is 4'x2'x2'.

5w heat mat under the click clack puts the temp around 30-32 degrees on the area above the heat mat.

60w bulb (just a regular one) in the other enclosure, basking spot of approx same temp. Too easy!

Snake wants to warm up, goes to hot spot. Wants to cool down, goes to cool spot. Makes sense to me.
Thanks everyone :)
I think I will get a thermostat. I have two little boys, so I'm pretty paranoid when it comes to fire hazards and stuff. Plus I'd always be worried about the temperature otherwise.

A friend of mine who has a childrens says that if you have heat lamps I won't need a heat mat. Opinions?

Thanks again for all your feedback :)
Mama, you live in the tropics! Why elaborate heating system, thermostat, heat pad? Open the window, maybe a 25W light bulb in a corner (in winter, which we didn't have lately) and that's it. What is important up here is sufficient ventilation and it would be wise to get a locally bred spotted python.

since your im western sydney why not go to extreme pets at liverpool and get a digital thermostat i picked up one for $135 and i got most off my supplys from them they are very helpfull
Wow, you have moved mama, last time I saw you was in Cairns, not so long ago, you lived around the corner from me. Sorry for the confusion ... unless there are two MamaBears ???
Wow, you have moved mama, last time I saw you was in Cairns, not so long ago, you lived around the corner from me. Sorry for the confusion ... unless there are two MamaBears ???
yeah theres 2 , the one who u confused the op with is mummabear ;)
Haha waterrat, I was going to say 'I wouldn't consider Western Sydney as tropics!' But it all makes sense now ;)

Thanks gavgav. I'll check them out.

ETA: I was unaware there was another 'mummabear' in this forum. I use this screen name for all my forum accounts, so you'll have to excuse the 'originality'.
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