Common reason for beardies tail tip coming off?

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Active Member
May 29, 2011
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Hey guys.

Ive got an appointment for Friday in at my reptile vet but just hoping for some info from all the APS folks who know about beardies.

I have 2, 9 month old beardies. One male and one female. They are about to be separated. My hubby is working on the 2nd enclosure atm.

Anyway a few days ago Psycho's longest toe fell off and now while waiting for the vets app her tail tip is coming off too.

What are the most common reasons for this and is there anything you could recommend I do until the vets?

She's being going a bit nutty running around today but other than that Ive observed no difference in how the 2 of them interact. She is def the dominant one of the two despite being smaller. Cuddles is 15cm and she is 13cm including tails.

Either caused from constriction from an bad/incomplete shed or bitten off by a cage mate.
incomplete shed is one thing, since retained sheds can constrict small toes and tails cutting off the blood supply and effectively amputating that limb area

possible fighting is another. Check your humidity and temps if its a shedding problem, provide more hides until the second enclosure is done if you're out of temporary enclosures.
They tend to chew each others tails from time to time and the chewed bit will die and fall off. I have been given quite a few tail-less bearded dragons over the years from people.. ggrr.

They both shed just over a week ago. Temps are good. I'll try misting coming upto next shed though.

Thanks guys. I was so proud my 2 had all their tails and toes. It just happened this week. I havnt noticed any aggression displayed by either but started the second enclosure due to the age and not wanting mating :(

I feel horrible right now.
nibbled bits arent always aggression related, could just be that something moves or looks tasty, its just better to house them seperately....(i know ur in the process of seperating them, not having a go, im just saying it dosent have anything to do with aggression)

one of my biggest problems with housing beardies together is that one will go fro a dig, another will see movement and grab the digging arm,....i have so many vines in the digging end to prevent them seeing each other dig,...(my 3 old girls live together, the rest are seperate)

tail tips hanging over rocks is another one, toes that look like meal worms,....
They would of been bitten off by the cage mate, toes and tail tips are a target when they are being kept together, though after they have reached full adulthood and sexual maturity this behavior usually stops completely. Saying that, Bearded Dragons should be kept separately if kept in standard indoor enclosures.
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