Croc Question

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I agree with NoOne, if you swim where you shouldn't - that's your problem, but if you're sitting on the train, minding your own business...
Hmmm, to a certain extent. It's a bit like saying if you walk in the bush in Australia, you deserve to get bitten by a snake or if you go down the dog park you deserve to get attacked by a dog.
haha magpie...maybe not deserve but yes if walking in the bush and get bitten by a dont winge about deadly animals and start killing them do ya..
as far as the dogs in the park...hell if i saw you in the park i would bite you myself.and yes you do deserve it..lmao
cheers paul.
Oh yeah when i see a sign saying SALTWATER CROCODILES NO SWIMMING it makes me want to jump in. The warnings are there. I can't say i've seen a sign say NO WALKING, DEADLY SNAKES lol
No signs maybe but unless you are pretty dense, you know they are there. Sure, I'm not gonna go jumping in a croc infested river and anyone who does is bringing it on themself to an extent, but I think it's a bit rough to say anyone who does deserves to die. Especially when you have someone there saying "nah it's alright, we do this all the time." To me, that's like saying anyone who speeds in their car deserves to die. We've all seen the ads, we all know it's dangerous....
if somebody goes swimming in a river and they know its infested with crocs then hell yeah they deserve, its complete stupidness, jmo but hey, how many crocs have been killed/ sharks, snakes etc just because somebody was in their territory and got bitten, i dont even agree with people killing snakes in their back yards, sure they may have kids and its dangerous, but they chose to live in a house in a snakes habitat. but then again, many a spider has fallen prey to my vicious book throwings :p

i cant tell you how many d*ckheads ive met who have bragged about driving over snakes then reversing spinning their wheels on the bugger just to make sure its dead,


I don't think people deserve to die but it's their own fault if they get attacked.

Steve i know what thats like. It's rednecks. It's the only way they can feel big and tough around something that makes them S--t themselves.
Got alot of them around here too. It's an endless battle trying to teach them.
Yea I agree, they are very bloody stupid to do it, and they do deserve to get attacked, but no-one absolutely no-one deseves to die IMO
Hmm, so a spider has less right to life than a croc? Care to explain for me?
Funny you guys should be talking of such things. I was just in the petshop the other day, and they had two little alligators. About 1.5 foot long or so. $99 each, but the guy said he'd take $150 for both. I was in there looking for something to stock my aquarium with, so I I kicked around the idea of buying these guys, and raising them for a spell, then letting them loose in the river. Then of course I thought better of it, but it got me thinking how much living in the city sucks. No wildlife. I'd like just once to walk out on my porch and see a wolverine rummaging around in my front yard. Or a herd of buffalo roaming down the street. Hell, I'd settle for a raccoon digging in the trash can. Ahh well. Trade offs suck.

Wow. Some of you guys are pretty harsh. Getting mauled by a croc is a hell of a way to go. Gotta' agree with Magpie on this one. I guess I won't get much sympathy if I die when I go sky-diving, or riding a dirt-bike, or surfing. It makes me wonder if you guys would be so quick to say "Oh what an idiot!" if someone you knew was killed by their 10ft carpet or olive? Because I could guarantee you there would be people out there reading the paper, shaking their heads, and saying something like, "Well you own a snake like that, you deserve what you get. What an idiot!" Just some food for thought.
It could happen, that's why they say 3 metres = 2 keepers I guess!
yeah i think i agree with nicole here.
we are and always have been advised to only handle a snake as big as three meters when u have another person around just to make sure nothing fatal happens.

yup just like the artcle I posted. But there is more of a chance of a croc attacking you if you go swimming where they are present than being killed by your pet snake, so it is a bit different. If i recall correctly Marry river has the highest saltie density in the world. I think its about 2 every 5m. But no-one ever gets atacked, because people aren't stupid enough to swim there. I think a lot of attacks happen when people are in places that crocs aren't big or are not very common! And people who live in Australia are ( especially people in the tropics) are braindea to go swimming in coastal streams, and tidal rivers, billabongs, etc. Even if there is a sign or not. Like recently a women in the NT was atacked in elizabeth river by a large saltie, and there was no sign, so she is now sewing th government. She has lived up here all her life SO she would HAVE known that crocodiles were common in that area, even bloody tourists know. It's people like THAT who deserved to be attacked!
Woohoo,school holidays start channel 10 stops airing of the jerry springer show and we all resort to APS forums for a debate/argument lol.

IMO with Mt Druitt females producing babies at an alarming rate and all the immigrants flooding in,Australia is over populated,so a few deaths per year is good for the economy lol.
Anyways I have no sympathy for any foolish moron that has the need to test life.They know there is crocs in the water yet they want to live dangerously,so what ever happens happens.If you see a warning sign remember it is there for your benefit.If it says "WARNING... LIVE WIRE" and you are stupid enough to touch it and get electrocuted then too bad.I will call you a fool,a goose,a di*head and I will say you deserve it.As for speeding in a car or drink driving the same applies.If you die you die and IMO good riddance to bad trash,And I hope they only kill themselves and not innocent pedestrians or other road users.Face it common sense should be enough to deter you from these risks,if not there is plenty of warnings out there.
hehehe, here, here CC totally agree with you!
Not too mention all the monitors and small mammals like quols as well, ad a few species of elapids are sure to have suffered as well.
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