Darwin Carpet Yearling Behaviour

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Mar 5, 2019
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Hi guys,
I'm a newby with a yearling Darwin Carpet Python. This is my first time owning a snake, and I've only had him a week (I know, not that long) although I just wanted to do a checkup on him from others that have had more long-term experience. I would rather not have sarcastic/rude comments please, just trying to find out as much info as I can to be a great owner!

So firstly, behaviour; he was fed on Sunday (today now being Thursday) and for the first two days he was hidden. Completely understand that's the norm. But the night he emerged from his hide (and every night since) he was instantly in hunt-mode, is this indicating that he is hungry again already? Or just normal carpet behaviour for night-time activity? (No I did not feed him in his cage) During the day he thinks he's a GTP and just drapes himself on tree branches all day lol.

Second query; his enclosure is outside on my back patio area in the shade, in a glass enclosure with the front door being about 1/3 or so mesh to breathe. I live up in Cape York so it's pretty humid and I haven't installed a heat mat due to his tank sitting at a temp range of 25-29 degrees with approx 50-70% humidity naturally. Should I install one so he can heat himself after feeding prior to hiding?

Any extra info on normal behaviours or tips on his care is very appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Megan.
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Hi guys,
I'm a newby with a yearling Darwin Carpet Python. This is my first time owning a snake, and I've only had him a week (I know, not that long) although I just wanted to do a checkup on him from others that have had more long-term experience. I would rather not have sarcastic/rude comments please, just trying to find out as much info as I can to be a great owner!

So firstly, behaviour; he was fed on Sunday (today now being Thursday) and for the first two days he was hidden. Completely understand that's the norm. But the night he emerged from his hide (and every night since) he was instantly in hunt-mode, is this indicating that he is hungry again already? Or just normal carpet behaviour for night-time activity? (No I did not feed him in his cage) During the day he thinks he's a GTP and just drapes himself on tree branches all day lol.

Second query; his enclosure is outside on my back patio area in the shade, in a glass enclosure with the front door being about 1/3 or so mesh to breathe. I live up in Cape York so it's pretty humid and I haven't installed a heat mat due to his tank sitting at a temp range of 25-29 degrees with approx 50% humidity naturally. Should I install one so he can heat himself after feeding prior to hiding?

Any extra info on normal behaviours or tips on his care is very appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Megan.
1, what are you feeding him? They go into hiding to properly digest their food, this could take 24hrs to a week, depending on size of food - at a yearling I would be feeding it ATLEAST large adult mice, or larger rats.

Sounds like he’s digested and ready to go again.

Also, drop the tub feeding - it’s useless.

2)put glass tank inside please. as soon as any sun hits, it’s going to turn into a hotbox

Get a heating element asap

They need this to properly thermoregulate
1, what are you feeding him? They go into hiding to properly digest their food, this could take 24hrs to a week, depending on size of food - at a yearling I would be feeding it ATLEAST large adult mice, or larger rats.

Sounds like he’s digested and ready to go again.

Also, drop the tub feeding - it’s useless.

2)put glass tank inside please. as soon as any sun hits, it’s going to turn into a hotbox

Get a heating element asap

They need this to properly thermoregulate

Why do you say drop the tub feeding? Just curious, as I enjoy handling him and I've read numerous times that they can associate me opening his cage with food. I fed him an adult mice, I have 6 more of them and then 3 small rats. That was all I could get flown up here at the time. The joys of isolated communities lol.

I have him in an area that the only sun that hits him is about 15 mins or so of early morning sun, otherwise he is in the cool shade the entire of the day (and it's mainly the mesh at the front of the door that cops the sun). And by "cool" here I mean 27-29 degrees haha. I do have a small heat pad on the way that I was going to set up at the area that's closest to the mesh due to how quickly it could humidify the tank if I have it further back.

Thanks for the info though.
my youngin' loves to explore at nice once he's done digesting his food! Carpets can be pretty active snakes so I assume it's normal behavior.
I think people consider tub feeding useless since it requires you to handle your snake after they have just eaten which risks regurgitation, however, it's up to you to decide what you feel is best. Your snake won't think you're food if you handle them regularly
Why do you say drop the tub feeding? Just curious, as I enjoy handling him and I've read numerous times that they can associate me opening his cage with food. I fed him an adult mice, I have 6 more of them and then 3 small rats. That was all I could get flown up here at the time. The joys of isolated communities lol.

I have him in an area that the only sun that hits him is about 15 mins or so of early morning sun, otherwise he is in the cool shade the entire of the day (and it's mainly the mesh at the front of the door that cops the sun). And by "cool" here I mean 27-29 degrees haha. I do have a small heat pad on the way that I was going to set up at the area that's closest to the mesh due to how quickly it could humidify the tank if I have it further back.

Thanks for the info though.
It’s been studied enough among the community to prove that there are no pros or cons to it apart from putting a paranoid persons at ease.

If your snake is bitey it’s 1 of a few things; it’s the snakes personality, it’s hungry, it’s stressed, it’s had lack of handling, etc

It will only associate the enclosure with feeding if you allow it to, just remember everytime u feed it you’re taking it out.. so could be said that it’s associate handling with fed eh?
Aswell as you’re going to be handling it soon after feeding, risks regurgitation
my youngin' loves to explore at nice once he's done digesting his food! Carpets can be pretty active snakes so I assume it's normal behavior.
I think people consider tub feeding useless since it requires you to handle your snake after they have just eaten which risks regurgitation, however, it's up to you to decide what you feel is best. Your snake won't think you're food if you handle them regularly

Thank you, yeah he is definitely active at night. I even had him out last night and he wrapped himself around my arm and hung off me in strike mode waiting for food to come by! Was pretty cool. With my tub I feed him in, it's small enough for me to place back in his enclosure so that he can let himself out when he is wanting to, just so that I don't directly handle him.

I was going to feed him this coming Sunday and then go to fortnightly feeds afterwards. I'm hoping to move him up to small rats as soon as I get through the mice. Being isolated unfortunately it is harder for me to get food up here and the only place that was happy to prep it for me to have it carried on a plane only had 1x3pack of small rats available at the time.
Thank you, yeah he is definitely active at night. I even had him out last night and he wrapped himself around my arm and hung off me in strike mode waiting for food to come by! Was pretty cool. With my tub I feed him in, it's small enough for me to place back in his enclosure so that he can let himself out when he is wanting to, just so that I don't directly handle him.

I was going to feed him this coming Sunday and then go to fortnightly feeds afterward
Snakes are seasonal. I'm assuming you're in Australia, so your snake isn't 9 months old (that would mean he hatched in June, and that just doesn't happen). He's either from the most recent season, in which case his size is okay, or he's over a year old, in which case he's pretty badly undersize. Assuming he's feeding and growing and everything is going well, which sounds like it's the case, he's probably still under six months old, and everything is fine and well. Post a picture, it should be pretty easy to tell if he's a good looking healthy hatchling or a malnourished juvenile.
. I'm hoping to move him up to small rats as soon as I get through the mice. Being isolated unfortunately it is harder for me to get food up here and the only place that was happy to prep it for me to have it carried on a plane only had 1x3pack of small rats available at the time.

The stripe pose while handling might mean he's scared, not that he's looking for food! The'll often do that when they are getting ready to tag you. My guy does it sometimes but calms down pretty quickly if I stay still. If his tongue is flicking while doing it, might be an indicator that he thinks you're food-- if not, it's likely a fear response.

The tub stuff sounds good! I often find it's a preference thing between snake owners. Personally, I don't do it since it's just extra stress when I can just feed in the the comfort of my guys enclosure, but there's nothing inherently wrong with tub feeding either
It’s been studied enough among the community to prove that there are no pros or cons to it apart from putting a paranoid persons at ease.

If your snake is bitey it’s 1 of a few things; it’s the snakes personality, it’s hungry, it’s stressed, it’s had lack of handling, etc

It will only associate the enclosure with feeding if you allow it to, just remember everytime u feed it you’re taking it out.. so could be said that it’s associate handling with fed eh?
Aswell as you’re going to be handling it soon after feeding, risks regurgitation

Fair enough, 6 in one and half a dozen the other with feeding location? I do have a small container I feed him in so that I am able to just place the container in his enclosure without directly handling him due to the regurgitation factor.

*touch wood* I have never been bitten by a snake before due to always keeping a calm and gentle handling technique towards them. And I realised very quickly how threatened my darwin felt when I reached above compared to underneath him. I'm definitely a
It’s been studied enough among the community to prove that there are no pros or cons to it apart from putting a paranoid persons at ease.

If your snake is bitey it’s 1 of a few things; it’s the snakes personality, it’s hungry, it’s stressed, it’s had lack of handling, etc

It will only associate the enclosure with feeding if you allow it to, just remember everytime u feed it you’re taking it out.. so could be said that it’s associate handling with fed eh?
Aswell as you’re going to be handling it soon after feeding, risks regurgitation

Fair enough, 6 in one and half a dozen the other with feeding location? I do have a small container I feed him in so that I am able to just place the container in his enclosure without directly handling him due to the regurgitation factor.

*touch wood* I have never been bitten by a snake ever before due to always keeping a calm and gentle handling technique towards them. Both wild and domestic snakes, both nippy and calm snakes. And I realised very quickly how threatened my darwin felt when I reached above compared to underneath him. I'm definitely a calm person with snakes and I manage to get the same response back which has been good.

As it was my first time purchasing food I called a few places in Cairns and only Pet Barn was willing to have it wrapped in a styrofoam box to keep frozen. And I had to have a friend pick it up to have as carry-on luggage on the plane. No place is willing to air freight up food without having to paying an arm and a leg to do so!
I use rodentfarm, they got nice siZing and relatively cheap
However the shipping price is only really worth it if u have enough snakes to get the free shipping
[doublepost=1553139037,1553138924][/doublepost]I think it’s 200$ in food for free shipping
I use rodentfarm, they got nice siZing and relatively cheap
However the shipping price is only really worth it if u have enough snakes to get the free shipping
[doublepost=1553139037,1553138924][/doublepost]I think it’s 200$ in food for free shipping

Just jumped on their website and unfortunately I don't think I will go through 160 rats for my little fella! Hahaha thanks though, if I get stuck I might use them and see if any other local snake owners might need some if I do a bulk order.
'*touch wood* I have never been bitten by a snake'

That will very quickly change haha. My bredli is more or less a tagaholic, no matter how much I handle her.
Even if you're calm I feel you might get a tag here or there haha. Thankfully my snake is too small to draw blood at the moment-- he's very friendly but I've definitely been tagged just a few times
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