Dehydrated carpet python?

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Not so new Member
Dec 12, 2011
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I am concerned that maybe my snake is dehydrated? I recently was away for 3.5 weeks and while my housemate fed my snake she forgot to fill up the water dishes... I figure they would have evaporated completely after about 1.5-2 weeks so my snake would have been without water for 1.5-2 weeks unfortunately..
she is a bredli carpet python..
i have been home for 2 weeks now and have fed her twice in that time and she hasn't done a single poo or wee in that time.. which is very odd for her... usually she will poo/wee about 5 days after feeding..

her water bowls are obviously topped up constantly now, as usual.. is there anything i can do and/or should i be concerned? she also appears to be due to shed her skin..
she also appears to be due to shed her skin..

This may be the reason for the lack of "poo" or "wee". My snakes don't defecate when they are about to shed, usually comes with the shed itself.
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im sure the snake will be fine but it wont hurt to bath the snake inba lukewarm bath with about 10% powerade in it
longqi gave me the tip when i got a neglected bredli with very sunken skin
worked a treat after a week of daily baths (electrolytes from the powerade are absorbed from the bath water through the cloaca to assist rehydration)

This may be the reason for the lack of "poo" or "wee". My snakes don't defecate when they are about to shed, usually comes with the shed itself.

my bredli wont go for 3 weeks then its like a bombsite when he sheds haha
righto cool, i somehow haven't noticed that before but that's good to know.

i was just concerned as like all species they would have to be hydrated to digest properly.. she was plenty hungry though so hopefully she'll just shed soon and some out shiny and fine :) didn't realise it came out with the shed itself!

the things you learn...

thanks guys! :)
My Mac shed the other day and as soon as the slough was clear of the cloaca he dropped his load and continued to peel off. :D
something else you can do is just spray her each day with filtered water. The water will absorb through the skin and if she is coming into shed then it will help her to have a good shed as well
you can pinch her skin to see if she actually is deyhdrated, if it stands up for about 5 or more seconds then she is deyhidrated if it goes flat reasonably quick then she is fine.
if you usually feed her weekly then how do u know its that weeks poo coming out after 5 days and not the meal from the week prior, if she hasnt fed in 3 weeks then there may be no poo to come out yet?!
thanks junglelove, good advice! will do.. if she'll stay still long enough!

also she ended up defacating everywhere this morning.. plenty of it (!! glad but gee fun clean up time!).. so things seem to be alright again..

another good point too that i dunno if it was always last week's meal coming out or previous weeks'.. she had been fed during that 3 week period though.. but maybe it's time to up the feed size..
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