does my stimmy look pregnant?

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Jun 10, 2008
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um shes just been in her hide realy she never comes out that was a photo when i took the hide off her
thats not the male that she bred with though thats just anotherone that i swaped over the other male is a fair bit bigger then her.. not that it matters jus thought id add it in..
Hmm, well, you'de better be careful not to take out the male too soon, beacuase the most fatal flaw with breeding is mistaking pregnancy with your female ovulating. I'de take better pics, describe the behavior more thoroughly, and ask a more experienced member of this site.


you wont be able to tell from a photo unless she is very heavly gravid and
displaying in the inverted position!
she was laying in the inverted position when i took the hide of her but went to that while i was taking the photo..
i felt her but i dont know what its ment to feel like so i dont realy know.. if she is pregnant would she get alot thicker than that?
Hold up!!! I would'nt be feeling her if you werent sure what to feel for, just wait until an experienced member of this site gives you their verdict.
If she was laying belly up that is a pretty good sign. If she sheds soon, or has recently shed, that too is a pretty good sign.

It is impossible for anyone to tell you whether or not the snake is gravid based on those pics alone.
ok thanks, well fingers crossed hopefully she is gravid.. and its alright i didnt squeeze her or nuthn just ran my fingers down the side of her..
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