my friends dad just called me to say while he was inside yesterday a dragon (he thinks beardy) dug a hole and started laying eggs in the pile of dirt and gravel hes using to make the driveway. He let her finish and pegged the area off to make sure nothing happened to them.
the eggs cant stay there since they'll get run over and he wanted to know what to do, tehy need the driveway.
i suggested he use a big shovelful to carefully move the eggs and as much of the 'substrate' he can to move in one go to a similarly sunny position off the driveway and bury the eggs to a similar level that the dragon did as she (the dragon) probably knew what she was doing..
i did stress that they cant be turned.
does that sound ok?
the eggs cant stay there since they'll get run over and he wanted to know what to do, tehy need the driveway.
i suggested he use a big shovelful to carefully move the eggs and as much of the 'substrate' he can to move in one go to a similarly sunny position off the driveway and bury the eggs to a similar level that the dragon did as she (the dragon) probably knew what she was doing..
i did stress that they cant be turned.
does that sound ok?