Has anyone on here done this before? I think it'd be an awesome project if it turns out how I'm picturing. I'm wanting to have a reptile apartment complex/wall of cages with different sizes for different critters requirements. Taller ones for my carpets, less wide but tall ones for green tree python (that I'm looking at getting), smaller cages for baby snakes, short but wide one for a ball, etc. It would have to be modular, based around the length requirement of the longest snake I currently plan on getting, and then have divide that width into halves, thirds, maybe even fourths for smaller enclosures on the levels above/below it. I'd want at least some space between levels for wiring, lights, heating pads, etc, so it wouldn't be just one PVC sheet separating the ceiling of one enclosure from the floor of another.
I'm wondering if it's better to use the PCV itself as the structure, or if I should have a frame out of a metal...maybe even 80/20 (extruded aluminum).
Has anyone designed and built their own cage like this?
Something sort of like this, but different heights/lengths:
I'm wondering if it's better to use the PCV itself as the structure, or if I should have a frame out of a metal...maybe even 80/20 (extruded aluminum).
Has anyone designed and built their own cage like this?
Something sort of like this, but different heights/lengths: