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Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Boorowa, NSW
Anyone else have one of these???

I can't seem to stop! I made a new home for Cleo that is better sized for her and Buffy has moved into to Cleo's old place. My lounge room is looking great!

I have also spotted another two cupboards in the shed that just need perspex and lights. One is my old pantry and will be great for an indoor house for Magill (Eastern Water Dragon) It's tall wide and solid.

Then there is an onld chest of drawers. I took the drawers out and it will make a nice snake tank with a little bit of work! I'll need to start going to EA...Enclosures Anonymus....hehehe

Then there are the outdoor enclosures to get done............

PS: Cleo's new spot is here you can even see her checking it out!
Stretch... I'm starting to, and I'm holding you responsible!!! :p

Once you own something like a couple of beardies (and soon a snake I hope) you really have to look in every junk shop and garage sale just in case there's something great in there.
Great idea with the old cupboard. I now know what to do with the boys old wardrobes once our renovations are finished!!!! A snake/beardie enclosure in their bedrooms how cool is that!!!? :D
Keep the good ideas comin' I love it

I'm going to look in the shed and check out the stuff in there.
Okay....a new one!

I don't know if this is quite suitable for any snakes that I have, its very tall but the floor space is not that great. They couldn't really stretch out.

I was thinking of using it as a two storey jobbie anyway. Where the solid section meets the perspex windows I am going to put in a roof/floor and in the middle of it will be a tree log ith a bit of space around it to allow reptile to get through. There would be more branches, big and small in both the top and bottom sections along with water, food bowls, etc. Giving the reptile the option of being completely away from everything, or not!

There is already a light socket and cord in the roof of the enclosure, I just need to install a basking/uv tube if I put a uv reptile in!

What do you guys think?
Looks like an old phone booth or something. It would make a great enclosure for a jungle carpet (something to think about anyway).
I made something similar for a friend out of an old wardobe. The floor space was only 45cm square but had 5 foot in height. We also added a shelf 1/2 way up to allow 2 levels.He kept a pair of jungles in that year round (seperated at feeding time) and only removed the male when cooling and they actually bred in that enclosure.He then removed the female to a cage with more floor room once gravid.
Yup that is exactly what it is. An old phone booth. It's a re-pro, but it's a good one! I love it. Fits the decor of the house and Is heaps roomy.

Mmmmmmmm jungle there is a thought...
that looks so great! :)
Would jungle carpets go ok in there?? I love their yellow/blk colour...
what about a green tree snake?
hey just get one of everything and keep on creating enclosures
I know what you mean about getting addicted to building enclosures.... I built 2, and then everywhere I went I'd see cupboards and tanks and bits of wood, and to everyone I saw my immediate thought was "How can I modify that and what could I put in there"....!!! :D

But then I thought about the other side of it.... "How can I afford to pay for the animals to put in them"..... So the cupboards stayed where they were...... :cry:

I think my next venture will be an outdoor enclosure and either get a pair of Diamonds, or some Monitors.

Wow, Sue! I love that! Cleaning out the enclosure will be a breeze - total access!

Being that tall, I'd imaging the bottom of the enclosure would be pretty cool (as in cold). You'd probably have to put a shelf higher to let them bask, but it's fantastic!
yep the intention is to put a shelf half way up so it is two levels. plus branchs and stuff to allow a nice gradient from cool to warm.

I just have to rearrange my house now to fit the damn thing in.....*L*
You could even place a bowl with peat moss or something in the lower 1/2 to act as a humidty chamber.

That's what I like about APS - great ideas!

Where does one get peat moss from? Nurseries?
You can purchase the moss at nurseries or even the local pet shop as many aquarists use it to lower the ph of there fish tanks.
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