Enclosure Question for Hatchling jungle.

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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Hey everyone,

I got a jungle last Sunday. she is a 8 month old and I haven't measured her yet because I haven't held her...still letting her settle in. (I have held her when cleaning her tub though) I'd say she's around 40-55cm? I'm not sure....This is my first jungle and she hasn't shown any signs of aggression so far when I change her water or her substrate. she seems to be very happy and curious about her new home. Right now I am keeping her in a 10L tub. I'm just wondering if she needs to be upgraded to a larger enclosure yet? I really just want the best for her and I know people on here have some wicked jungles and that's what told me this breed would be my next python!!!
Any suggestions? If so what should I be keeping her in?
Thanks for the help in advance!
Got any pictures? Hard to tell you what she should be in when don't know the size of her home.

Remember smaller snakes prefer small, enclosed spaces as they feel safer. Unless they're a very outgoing snake, I prefer to let them stay in a small click clack until they definitely need something bigger.
Sorry, should have been more precise :p
H: 13cm L:35cm W:24cm

I know hatchling like smaller enclosures I just always get mixed
up on how big they should be :?

I know when she is out and exploring a decent 15cm of her is still curled, she can't fully stretch out and that's why I'm asking.

It won't let me upload pics for some reason.... I'll try again later.
Thank you Chanzey! when should I be upgrading her next? I know I'm getting ahead of myself but I know that they grow fast....
I'm just wondering if she needs to be upgraded to a larger enclosure yet?

Do you actually have anything else prepared yet or are you curious as to what you should be preparing ? and are you looking at a tub / clickclack, or do you actually want to move to an enclosure ?
I am curious to what I should be preparing. I have looked after an adult before but not a hatchling, done research but then I start second guessing what I know.
I'm planning to move her to an enclosure that she can stay in for 6 months or more but I'm not sure if she'd be comfortable in one?
I'm not sure if she'd be comfortable in one?
I guess it comes back to the snake.
I'm new to all this stuff, so best listen to the masters ;) however my jungle seems happy in what i hope will be her last enclosure.

When I first got her I kept her in a 5 L tub, and after a couple of months I started keeping the tub in the enclosure, and eventually started leaving the lid cracked open. By the time she was about 5 months, the only time she was ever in the tub was when I put her back in the enclosure, so I just took it out.

She's now about 9 mo and around 65cm, and as far as I can tell she's happy and healthy, so she'll be staying put.
(Enclosure is a corner cabinet about 4ft front x 3ft sides x ~2ft high)
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once its outgrown its click clack it can go in a 30 or 50L starmaid tub until big enough to go in its full size enclosure, that what I do
Cool, thanks guys. that definitely cleared up what I was wondering about. Have a pretty good I dea what i'm going to be doing now :)

My jungle wasn't the best feeder in his tub (correct temps, warm and cool hide, branches etc) but as soon as he went into his 400 Litre enclosure he became a different snake. More placid, eating without fail and generally seeming like he was a much happier python.

Each to their own :)
Schnecke, how old/large was moose when you put in the large enclosure?
My jungle wasn't the best feeder in his tub (correct temps, warm and cool hide, branches etc) but as soon as he went into his 400 Litre enclosure he became a different snake. More placid, eating without fail and generally seeming like he was a much happier python.

Each to their own :)

I had the same with one of my coastals when he was younger. I definitely don't think it's normal though hehe
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