Escapee !!!!

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Not so new Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Hey guys, I have an 8month old Blonde Mac who escaped last night (saw him yesterday afternoon & only noticed it lunch time today)
I have checked everywhere, in everything, around everything.
My room is carpet so that rules out the flour trick, but I have placed plastic bags around my tv area as that's pretty much the only warm place in my room, I have also placed a heat mat with a hide ontop and a pinkie outside which I have slit so he can smell it.
Any other suggestions???
I have read the thread on it aswell but was wondering if anybody had any other ideas to find him... My mum is freakin out hahaha
i recently lost a baby snake, turned up 2 days later, just kept looking for him, every two hours, seached the entire house, ended up only being about 4 ft from the enclosure when i found him.
LMAO Jason,
If MZ33YO lost what you lost.
I think his mum would be freaking out a little more,
than she is over a Spotted Python on the loose :lol:

As for the missing Mac, you will be amazed where they can get into and hide.
Check the smallest nock and cranny, you will find it.
This time a year, it wont go far.
Haha thanks AndyScott, by the way I'm a she not a he haha.
My mum hates snakes all together so it wouldn't matter if it was a hatchie that got out she would still be scared hahahaha.
hope you find him MZ33YO, my mother inlaw would freak out if my snake got out. he is 41/2
Mines only about 45cm lol, still a baby... makes him so much harder to find! :(
Haha thanks AndyScott, by the way I'm a she not a he haha.
My mum hates snakes all together so it wouldn't matter if it was a hatchie that got out she would still be scared hahahaha.

Oppppps sorry :lol:.
mine was only about 10cms, but he showed up, just keep looking, every hour or so go around the house with a flash light and look in and under everything, worst hting is with brick house' because they can climb the walls
I'm presuming he's still in my room, house is way too busy so I doubt he'd go out.
I'm pretty sure he's somewhere around where my tv, fish tank, and his tank are because its the only warm place... there is a few draws which I have gone through and I've looked everywhere else around there too... I'm a bit worried he'll get trodden on if he goes outside so I've told everyone to be careful and stuff...
I hope I find him :(
check under ur washing machine ... had a mate who lost his jungle and found him curled up under the washing machine... proper photoshot ha

hope u find him soon tho ...

good luck
I once lost a hatchy stmpson, I found it two-days later curled up in the 5mm gap between it's tank and the stand. They are excellent hide and seekers!!
Yep...turn all the lights out in your room, wait 10mins or so then go back in looking with a good flashlight.
Hey guys, found him!
Turned my room upside down and found him inside a dvd case, god knows how he got in there, it was clicked shut... Weird little guy.

He is tucked into bed haha in his hide with his nice warm heat matt after spending a night in the dvd case, hopefully it doesnt happen again (I have snake proofed his whole cage now mwuhahahaha)
i was going through all my dvds, picked up the case and it felt heavy so i opened it and tadaaaaa my blonde mac was there hahah. Still trying to figure out how and why he got into a dvd case lol
Maybe he wanted to check out what happens to those funny shiny disk after they get put away ;) my baby bluey wanted to find out what the inside of a VCR player looked like, think of it as a behind the scenes tour ;)
hahaha i found him in SAW 3. So after i found him i watched the dvd with him hahah
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