ewd hatchie shy eater??

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010
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hi all my baby easter water dragon wont eat if anyone is around which makes it hard to see how much he is eating. and to make sure he is eating his calciumed crix. as i have been told that the calciumed crix clean them selves after 20 min and then the calcium is gone...

soo any ideas???

i put the crickets in the enclosure and he looks but doesnt seem interested they all eventually dissappear (im guessing they get eaten) the tank is pretty much cricket proof and he is still pooping so im stumped..

has anyone ever had this problem???
yeah i have that with my male peninsula dragon never seen him eat but hes pretty fat and poos alot. so i wouldnt realy freak about it.but u should get some more opinions
i dont mind if i dont see him eat thats no major issue its just i want ot make sure he gets his calcium as he is soo little
ahh then mayby pull the back legs off the crickets and place them in a small tub so they cant get out???
he is getting fed on small crix and they are tiny...dont no if i would be able to
they will detach their hind legs if you hold them by their legs.
put greens in there with a little bit of calcium on them baby water dragons eat vegis some times thats all they will eat its how i got my babys started there big now im hopping they bread this year there about 3 or 4 this year
I have a beardie like that... He's not keen on human interaction on any level actually.. wont allow me to handle him, wont eat in front of me, generally won't move much in front of me... Nothing like my other beardie who passed away last week, he was as friendly as they come... Used to eat carrots/bok choi out of my hand... would sit on my knee while I was watching TV eating out of my hand or enjoying a scratch around the neck...

I suppose every reptile has its own personality.. some are people lizards, some are just not... They are however awesome all the same...

I figure just give him his calcium and vitamins on his vegies and let him have cirx however he wants them..
He is probably intimidated by you watching, just leave him alone in a quite room to eat until he is a bit more used to you
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