Fat intake

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Active Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Apologies in advance if this has been discussed previously, but does anyone have any suggestions as to how to increase the fat content of a gecko's diet? I know that people feed their geckos either crickets or woodies and dust them with vitamins and calcium, but is there anything else i can add to that that will promote weight gain?

Thanks in advance :)
Thanks Kel! I doubled up on this question for you didn't i ;)

Now to get me some silk worms...
No worries Shelle,.
yes,. you did,. but it is quicker to reply here now, then to reply to your Magnacarta (sp?) Pm ,. lol
I had better do some work today ,. lol

Silkworms are not cheap,. that is why I am breeding my own,. I checked this morning and my cocoons are now moths,. so hopefully soon Ill have some lil silkworms,.
although I do feel slack feeding them off,. I use to love keeping silkworms as pets when I was young.
Thanks for that :) Yes I know... Silkworms seem to be quite exy. I'll do anything to help the little ones put on weight though LOL. Not that they really need it now but I try and get them as fat as possible before they shut themselves down for winter.
I used to keep silkworms in primary school and remember that they're kinda cute. Its a bit sad having to feed them off :(
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