Fatty deposits in beardies throat????

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Active Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows much about bearded dragon anatomy. I took my 7 month old boy to the vet yesterday as I suspected a respiratory infection. He's been off his food for weeks, lethargic and then I heard crackles when he was breathing so I went straight in. The Vet found no discharge and the swab was clear (no bacteria). The thing she couldn't explain was 2 swellings at the back of his throat measuring about 1cm across. They are yellow and look like fat pads or swollen glands. Peru is apparently overweight but the vet has never seen this before, even in very fat dragons. My vet is very good but is still learning about reptile anatomy and treatment so if anyone can shed some light on this I'd be grateful.

She injected some fluids and Vit B and C and I've upped the temps. in his enclosure a little.
He seems a bit happier today - no throat sounds but still not eating.

Don't have pics of the lumps seeing as they're down his throat but this is Peru
peru 002.jpg

This is when we came home yesterday. He's a bit upset!
peru 003.jpg


That is very interesting. He is not talking about the epiglottis is he? They hang down from the roof of the mouth near the back of the throat. I wish you could show me a picture.
Crested geckos have calcium sacs in the roof of their mouths that are used to store calcium, but bearded dragons do not have those.
Anatomically speaking, I do not know what they could be, other than the folds of skin or the epiglottis in the back of the mouth.
If I find any other information, I will let you know.

Yay! Some one replied! The vet has treated heaps of beardies so if it was normal anatomy I'd hope she could recognise it. To me they looked like 2 small yellow marble sized lumps, one each side of this throat at the opening down to his stomach - sorry I don't know any of the correct terms.

A week later and he still not really eating although he did eat one roach when I put him back in with the 2 girls for a visit. The vet suggested he might be sad since I moved him out. All went well for 5 mins then he grabbed one of them at the back of the neck to try and mate I think. I kinda guessed that would happen and they are way too young so he's back by himself.
I'm managing to get him to lick some apple puree off a dropper each day and I've squirted some Hydro-life down his throat so at least he is hydrated.

Don't have the results from the fecal test back yet.

I'm not as worried as I was because he is getting some fluids and he's done a pooh but I'll take him for an Xray this week and might try to get a pic of inside his throat while I'm there
Any other thoughts welcome!
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