Hey guys
so yesterday I got out a frozen mouse and put it in the fridge to defrost it, when it was defrosted the next day I got a plastic ziplock back and put it in warm water for around 10-15 minutes to warm it up. But when I went to pick it up with feeding tonges the guts came out the side of it. So I threw that one out and went through the process again except this time I just put it into warm water and defrosted it that way but once again when I went to pick it up the guts came out the side again. I baught the mice in March from a reptile expo so I don't think the have gone bad just yet but I'm not sure what the problem is? I have defrosted the mice this way before without any problems. What I have done now is just let it defrost in room temp and I'll wait until tomorrow to see what the results are then. Any tips on to what I'm doing wrong?
so yesterday I got out a frozen mouse and put it in the fridge to defrost it, when it was defrosted the next day I got a plastic ziplock back and put it in warm water for around 10-15 minutes to warm it up. But when I went to pick it up with feeding tonges the guts came out the side of it. So I threw that one out and went through the process again except this time I just put it into warm water and defrosted it that way but once again when I went to pick it up the guts came out the side again. I baught the mice in March from a reptile expo so I don't think the have gone bad just yet but I'm not sure what the problem is? I have defrosted the mice this way before without any problems. What I have done now is just let it defrost in room temp and I'll wait until tomorrow to see what the results are then. Any tips on to what I'm doing wrong?