feeding bearded dragon pinky

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Jul 22, 2008
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wat is the right age that you can start feeding bd a pinky.
Would depend on the size of the lizard Braydon. My yearling is still too little to be eating pinkies. I wouldn't attempt to offer them to her until she is fully grown. But I don't think I would anyway. She has plenty of meat, insects and fruit and veg in her diet without needing to add anything more.
this is a perfect thread cuz the pet shop was saying about feeding them.
myne is 6 months so i dont think he is old enough...

My female gets pinkies as treats every few months.. It would be more of there size then age... As you can have a big dragons when there less then a year old and you can have small dragons that are a year or older...

My female is 46cm STL 20cmSVL and 450grams and can take big pinkie mice easy. She is 11months.
ADULT healthy dragons whome are full size and healthy. preferably only two or less am month.

those of you who have juvenile or small dragons, quit jumping to pinkies because you think it would be cool. they arent entirely necessary. they are only really usefull for HEALTHY gravid or prepairing females.
ADULT healthy dragons whome are full size and healthy. preferably only two or less am month.

those of you who have juvenile or small dragons, quit jumping to pinkies because you think it would be cool. they arent entirely necessary. they are only really usefull for HEALTHY gravid or prepairing females.

Your right Kirby. I should of said I'm plumping my female up for next season ;)
try not to feed beardies pinkies until breeding time they are so high in protein the lizard could not use it all, and if fed regularly can cause fatty liver disease. the a breeding female is the only beardy that could use the such high levels of protein. stick with crickets woodies meal worms fresh greens. get your self a copy of a good bearded dragon book like ' the bearded dragon manual '
Are we talking about feeding them pinkie rats or pinkie mice ?

pinky MICE..

the only reason i am OK with pinky mice, is that their bones are still cartildge, and you could cut through them with a plastic spoon. fuzzies+ have fully formed bones, which are MUCH harder to digest, and when bitten and broken could break the skin etc. ouch.

Dave, i wasnt focussing on you ;) your more then smart enough to judge a pinky feed, and how often. youve grown Mojo up SO well, im sure she enjoys that occasional pinky. i know mine do. my shingles swallow them whole o.0 they are machines, solid steel plated droids.
Cheers, just wondered as everone always says that they feed them pinkies.
I would never feed my beardeds mice. Yes pinkies bones are softer and easier to digest but unless you are breeding they serve no purpose, beardies are just as happy with crickets and a large variety of veggies.

Even when breeding doubling their food intake is sufficient enough.

Mice are for snakes :p
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