Don't handle your python after feed for at least 48 hours as it can cause regurgitation, this is a reason why I do not use a separate feeding box, also when a python has just consumed a meal, they are in a vulnerable state, which is why they will be in defence mode, it will also mean once the python as consumed, there is "rodent scent" in the air and you could get tagged being mistaken for food.
I believe Narchy means to wash your as before you feed so when you are feeding, the python doesn't go for you instead of the prey, once there is rodent scent, anything that moves and is warm is prey to them.
I thaw out my rodents in a plastic bag in hot tap water, once fully thawed and warm through, I offer with tongs.
From my experience, I have 1 that will keep wanting more and will S up at me after he has consumed his prey, looking for more. Another will quickly hide and if I am there, "scatter". Now either one of those scenarios, will cause stress for your python, if they scatter and you pick them up to put in original enclosure, defence. If they are looking for more food, they will mistake you for food as there is rodent scent, it stimulates their feeding response "hunting mode"
In my personal opinion, I only feed them in their enclosures, have never had an issue, handle mine few times a week, without being tagged or mistaken for "feeding time".
I also don't think your python can predict feeding time or handling time, opening the enclosure will not stimulate them and mistake you for food, nor will taking them out (to put in another feeding box), if you keep them well feed, their body language speaks for it's self.
I was picking up a new python from a private breeder, the hatchie rack was right next to the rodents and I asked, why are they aggravated or wanting to strike? He said, look at their body language, they are feed well, why would they? If your python is striking every time your opening, maybe you just got bad luck with your lotto or maybe your feeding the incorrect food item.
Just my 2 cents.