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Not so new Member
Jul 15, 2009
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SE Queensland
I was browing through posts, and saw a few people saying that snakes shouldn't be fed in their enclosure, because it can make them snappier, as they would associate the enclosure being opened to feeding.
Is this true? If it is, where am I supposed to feed it?
I always feed Barrie in his enclosure......everyone has a different opinion. I think they may take their snakes and put them in a click clack or something when they are little....someone will soon tell you what they do. For me....it's in his enclosure....and I don't have any problems.
i feed in the enclosure and just use the hook when getting the snakes out for handling./ that way they know its not feeding time
I was browing through posts, and saw a few people saying that snakes shouldn't be fed in their enclosure, because it can make them snappier, as they would associate the enclosure being opened to feeding.
Is this true? If it is, where am I supposed to feed it?

Going by that logic if they were tub fed then everytime they were taken from their enclosure they would associate it as feeding time.There is no issue feeding in their enclosures.
I never feed my snakes in their enclosure i take them out and put them in a tub or a smaller enclosure that way they never think that my hand is food going into his enclosure they know they get taken out then feed makes sense i reckon but everyone has their own way.
this one is always an interesting topic i think... it really all comes down to what u prefer to do and what your snake responds better too. i dont think one method is any better than the other...
i feed our south west python in a seperate tub for two main reasons (and these are my own, in no way am i tellin anyone what they should do) :
1. as i put newspaper down to feed her on i find that keepin clean is a lot easier
2. i read a lot of posts on here and decided that i didnt want to take the chance of her associating handling time with feeding time... not saying that she would, but i didnt want to take the risk.
she has fed every time with no hassles what so ever. but then just like annie has said, her Barrie responds well to being fed in his enclosure so it is each to their own!! trial and error perhaps? :)
I never feed out side of the enclosure and my snakes never think my hand is food its a load of rubbish snakes aren't as stupid as people think they no the difference between feeding and cleaning or handling

It also gos against the saying that you should never handle your snake after feeding yet people will feed them then have to pick them up to put them back

Mate Do it the way you want to you only got the one snake. But I'm tellin ya its a wast of time and just feed in the enclosure

Cheers Lewy
I always feed my Stimmie in the enclosure and haven't had a problem. However, I also always handle his food with forceps and not my hands so my smell (or the smell of the Repti-Hand or soap I use) doesn't get on the food.

This may not be of much help because I see very few messages about bad tempered Stimmies.
Personally i think its a load of crap,i feed all my snakes in their tubs and enclosures and never had a problem,{yet}.Mine generally become a bit snappy only after they can smell their dinner,once they have had their feed and ive washed my hands they are the same placid snake as before.
Fussy eaters often wont eat after being handled , so how do you get them out ? l feed all mine in their enclosures , never had a problem . Most snakes go by scent , not just heat .
I've always fed mine in it's enclosure, never received a bite. He smashes any rat i put in and has a strong feeding response BUT he is always very careful and will flick his tongue and such before hitting the rat.

To me i thought the whole idea of feeding it in it's enclosure would identify it with food response is kinda stupid, because picking it up to put into another container to feed.. If it was to identify anything with food wouldn't it be you picking it up? Lol..
I've always fed mine in their enclosures with forceps. i have never been bitten getting them out with my hands. they have all been placid pythons
I belive you should feed in the snakes enclosure and always hook them out even the most docile. I always feed all of our snakes in their enclosures with forceps and always hook them out for handling and cleaning.So no mistakes are made. My bhps are very cage protective so a hook is a must, but when you get them out they are lovely on the other hand my womas are so placid you could do just about anything with them they have never bitten. So always feed in the enclosure and hook out i hope this helps

Cheers : )
I guess it depends on the individual animal's temperament but I never have issues feeding mine in their enclosures. If I have some housed together, of course somebody has to be moved, otherwise, never had any dramas.

Ppl who say they should be fed outside their have probably experienced bad tempered pythons attacking them everytime they open the enclosure doors. But has RAMS points out, its a catch 22.
Do wat ever u feel comforatble wif but let me tell u sometimes they can be snappy in the feeding tub afterwards. So just feed in there cage. And like Lewy said snakes arnt STUPID!!
I have 5 python's and they have always been fed in their enclosures. I have never had a problem with them getting confused between handling and feed time. Some insist you should feed them in a separate cage/click clack, I personally never have and never will but each to there own and there is no wrong or right way, just do what feels more comfortable for you...:)
I Feed outside their enclosures but the only simple reason for doing it this way is caz some weeks i dont handle and by bringing them out to feed i get the chance to do a decent visual check on all my snakes atleast once a week or 2.
yea, i feed all of mine in their enclosure as well... ive never had any problems :D
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