First Snake Enclosure Help

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Mar 26, 2009
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I have my gorgeous coastal carpet python, Akira, and for christmas, we are putting her in a real enclosure (she currently has a click-clack i made for her). All I have right now is a melamine box - with a definate plan for the glass front.
What I need help with is what to put in it.
Can anyone tell me which lights, what heating, substrate, thermostat, shelves etc I should put in an enclosure that is 1.2Hx1Lx0.5D?
I would also like prices and brands, where possible, and of course where to get them from.
Thankyou in anticipation:D
I am no expert but my advice would be a couple of hides,(1 at cool end, 1at heated end) a nice big water bowl for the snake to have a wash,drink etc. A heat lamp with a cover to stop the snake from getting too close and getting burnt. A thermostat to make sure it is not too hot at heated end. For exercise get some artificial vines or clean timber for it too climb and explore around when it wants because they do like to explore. For Substrate use newspaper because it is easy to dispose of and replace. For prices see your local pet shop.
A ceramic water bowl keeps water cool (dogs dish), Hides can be made from styrofoam or cardboard boxes even.. sorry I cant be of anymore help
I use Breaders Choice kitty litter on the bottom. I also use Microclimate 1BE. This is a dimming thermostat and also has the magic eye on it. This will regulate day/night in your tank specific to the day/night times outside (the main reason I got it).
As the others said, a hide spot down the cool end and somewhere nice to bask under a 60w globe.
i love and highly recommend heat panels,...used in conjujnction with a pulse proportional thermostat, ($140 fro teh panel, $110 fro the thermostat, both from herp shop)

i generally put a shelf 40cms under teh heat panel so they have a heated area, and the shelf stops alot of the heat moving down,... (sorry for the 90 degree angle on the pic, i dont have PS on this computer,...)

move her click clack in with her, my jungles are still using their a month in (well the one thats shedding is), just as a security blanket....or as a perch, lol,...

my jungle enclosures are only 80Hx60x60 so urs is plenty big enough for a heat panel,...

oh, i use the covers for thre heat panels too even though they apparently cant burn them $35 from herpshop.


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How old is Akira ? and how long .... i know its not easy to measure them, try and get her along something that you know the length of, like her branch,
oh, and for substrate i use a mix of newspaper and old bath towels, (make sure theres no loops to get caught in,..)
Lol, what are the odds. My first snake was a coastal female, and her name is Akira.

I like breeder's choice for substrate (if you use it, give it a little misting when you put it in.)
Single low watt lamp for viewing.
Heat mat or radiant panel with thermostat for heat.

That's my preferred setup. Good luck!
Akira is roughly 10 months old, and just over 100cms.

I got my girl at 12 months old and she was approx 50cm (slow starter) i checked her length the other day and she is now pushing around 135cm mark - without powerfeeding, so be aware they can grow very rapidly and you may need to upsize the tank often if you don't make it large enough to start with,
My girl is about to be moved into her final (fingers crossed) enclosure (1800 h x 1250w and 750d) i knew she would grow but the speed has spun me out,
lol snakewhisperer, why did you pick the name?
If my Akira grew to 3m long (which Id be so happy about!) or 2.5m, how big would the enclosure need to be, ideally?
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