Teamsherman wrote: ?
soulweaver wrote: ?
farmdog wrote: ?how tragic and how sad some resort to catch some fishies ... =sharkbait
This is tragic, but how can you say the same farmdog? your out there shooting ducks and whatever else you can find, yet you think this is tragic? where is the line drawn?
You justify what you do as a sport, in some strange way the people with the dog and cats probably do the same, maybe now you will clean up your act, and become a 'normal' member of society, not someone who lays claim to liking animals and then is out there shooting at them.
i think is tragic that you had to resort to that.
Out comes the moral police again.
There is a big/huge difference to humanely hunting as a sport than to what these people are doing with live animals us in the western world consider pets. In no way at all am i condoning what they are doing with live animals. I dont even use live bait when fishing with normal size hooks. But to have a go at Farmdog and his sport of choice in comparison to this henious activity taking place in India is just plain crap and immature.
I hunt too, and i vote, and i have signed a dotted line to protect this country if the need ever arise.
If you dont like hunting, thats your choice, but in no way should you put down someone that does.
this statement just proves how much a knob you really are, shooting at ducks and other birds is not a sport until the ducks have guns too and are shooting back at you, but if it makes you feel big that you can shoot harmless defenceless animals in the name of 'sport' then go for it, at the end of the day the ducks maybe dead and considered a sport to many world wide, but you'll still be a knob who has to post pictures of you driving a porsche just to make yourself feel good.