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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Hi guys, I am breeding my own mice/rats for my heaps and I want to know the most humane way of killing them. Is gassing the best way, I have heard of this alot. How do you do this? And is there any other humane ways? Thanks.
A quick blow to the head is probably the "nicest" way to kill a rodent. IMO anyway.
The cheapest way to gas is Dry Ice,
Get an esky, put a small tub with dry ice in the middle of the esky.
Then place all the rodents you want to kill in the esky, around the ice tub (not in the ice tub).
Tip a glass of water on the dry ice and close the lid, white co2 smoke will fill the esky. Leave for a few minutes and the rodents are dead.

500 grams of dry ice will be enough for 200 rodents.
You can get enough dry ice from BOC for just a few $$'s
You can rent carbon dioxide tanks from gas company or make your own with about a tablespoon of bi-carb in about 4 tablespoons of white vinegar. I don't really measure it precisely, but put the bi-carb and vinegar in say a soft drink bottle. Drill a hole about the size of the piece of hose you would use. Then drill the same size hole into the lid of a container. Fit the hose into the holes - make sure its air tight. Put mousies into the container. Secure the lid. Mix up the bi-carb and vinegar. You will hear it it fizz. The gas will go through the hose into the container. The smaller container you use the quicker it works. Keep on shaking the bottle to make it fizz until your mice have gone to sleep and no longer breathing.

From here when it doesn't want to fizz anymore, I actually don't know if you need to add more bi-carb or vinegar but I add both to get the fresh gas happening again. I hate seeing things suffer so overkill on the gas will lessen their suffering.
Thanks for your help guys.

No-two - I thought of that, but I couldn't bring myself 2 it........

andyscott - What and where is BOC?

mysnakesau - I like your idea, does it work quickly?

moosenoose - That just would cause so much pain and suffering, I couldnt bring myself 2 it. Thats just inhumane........ lol
Yeah, you could hit them in the head with a soda stream canister that would work...
Here u go this is what i use on older mice and rats dont use it on newborns u will have to clonk them

Same as lewys method but i used a soda stream instead of a syphon.
Scored the old soda stream from the opshop for $5 and had to buy the co2 cylinder outright from kmart for $45. Last around 12 months, feeding 6 snakes and refills are $12 from kmart on a swap and go system.
Introduce the Co2 very slowly to start with until they fall asleep, then give them a good blast and leave them for a good 10mins. Dont want anyone waking up....;)


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i have converted a soda stream system to use untill i get off my bum and get a proper co2 gas bottle

the easiest way to use it is simply connect a air hose (like the stuff you use in a fish tank) and heat 1 end push this end onto the white stick thingo that goes into the water usually. Once this is done drill a small hole in a airtight tub push the airhose in and fill with mice/rats and give a few shots of co2, it may take abit to work how much will put them to sleep but you will work it out

hope that helps
Passing rodents on

No-two got it dead right [IMO] lts the quickest by far and the most humane, the other ideas are just dodging issue at the animals expense, after all we are keeping carnivors....cheers solar 17
i dnt have snakes or mice but we used to have pet mice but when ever some got those sists that kill them over time we just drowned them not really sure if that would help or not

cheers Scott
i dnt have snakes or mice but we used to have pet mice but when ever some got those sists that kill them over time we just drowned them not really sure if that would help or not

cheers Scott

that is kind of sick.. poor rats/mice drowning....
i dnt have snakes or mice but we used to have pet mice but when ever some got those sists that kill them over time we just drowned them not really sure if that would help or not

cheers Scott

OMG that's horrible, How would u like to be drowned not very nice :shock:

Just clonk them on the head hard kills them instantly
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