GGGRRRR sulking!

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Very Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
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QLD, Manly West
but odd sulking.

my angle headed dragon will sit on his perch for days on end with his eyes closed an not move much if at all.....

hes eating ok but tends too not be interest in pray items unless i put him right next to the food dish an then he will eat then sulk....

temps sit around 25C to 32C

32c is ambient temp ( im in the stage of moving house an where he is is the only space for him to sit) its the afternoon sun that makes the temp in that room go up after night fall it drops too 25 or lower but no lower than 15c

humidity is around 80% an i mist the enclosure everyday

dust crickets every second feed.

an feed him 4 - 6 med to small crickets every 2 to 3 days.

he also does not seem to poo alot.

also if anyone has an questions about the enclosure ive made another thread in general herps with pics of it.

he also has a uvb light at the top of the tank an can get with in 6 inchs of it eazily.

anymore info just ask.
Might be a bit too hot mate? Considering they don't really require heating...Also that is fairly normal for them to sit for long periods on branches & do nothing lol. They don't take well to hadling like some other dragons...If he's being housed with other angle headeds perhaps seperate them & see if he improves...
hes alone.... the most lively ive ever seen him is when hes chasing his reflection in the glass?? could he be lonely perhaps
Give him time to settle down, remember though they do a whole lot of not much! A lot different to beardies and other dragons. Your tank sounds good, give him a spray with water twice a week.

As they dont move much they dont eat much so feeding is good just alternate with calcium and vitamins.

keep us posted.
I remember reading somewhere (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) but angles are very fussy about their living areas, and if too much is changed they get sulky. If you go into the Wiki section of the website, a guy called Marc Furbank has written up a care sheet on angles, and in the second section (I think it's description and habitat or something like that) I remember him writting something about sulking, so maybe have a look there.
But you seem to be doing everything okay, and he should start to brighten up after the move. (This is from my limited experience with them, and from a lot of reading on websites :p)

All the best :D
hehe thanks guys..

hes a great lil dragon. the g\f utterly adores him.
- an im thinking of breeding him next year if hes ready-

i had him facing the snake tank an he was quite active an would perch an watch my bredli.

an then i moved it to be sitting beside the snake tank.... an he started to sulk.

but ill put him in the cooler room in my new house.

thanks for the help guys.
my angle heads sulk heaps if you move them around or change the tank it will put them in a sulk as long as he is eating he will be fine one of my girls hates being able to see any other lizards so she lives in my kitchen
Hello how’s your dragon? 32 degrees is way to hot and you would want to bring the humidity up to about 90%, plenty of vertical branches some live plants, good ventilation and they prefer dapple lighting
yeah i should have posted a update about this lil guy...

anyway have moved house an have got this tank an the coolest area in the house.
2 days later hes as active as anything

rips food from the tongs an if your not careful during feeding time he will jump onto your chest run over your sholder down your back an jump into the click clack full of crix or woodies.

an i think its a she too.

an yes humitiy is at 90 for 70% of the day
the rest of the time its at 80
you should put up the pic of her sleeping - its adorable :)
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