ok i'll check some out now the big debate i have searched the website and this forum through and through about what to use and wit heveryones opinion i really think its a personal choice as everyones circumstances are different.
NOw i am thinking about going with a dessert blend, its made of walnut shavings. Not sure how that will go with the python.
I just need something that is easy to look after as i work away i need it for my mrs to not have to worry about handlng the snake as she is scared of them, she doesnt mind feeding it or cleaning the bowl, just as long as she doesn't have to touch or handle it.
just like the natural look, only thing is would i be best leaving a poo in there to dry up then take that and a tiny bit of the substrate out with it when i clean. What about the pee i suppose that would just dry up? Another question what about the snake ingesting some of it??? couldnt this be harmfull?