Got Glass?

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
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Port Stephens Nsw
Hey guys anyone know where to get some cheapish glass for sliding doors on my enclosure? Im in the newcastle area but for the right price will travel to central coast to pick up.
measurements needed are 650 x 350ml possibly 5ml thick x 4 peices, polished edges a plus.

any help would be great. ;)
Just put a few ads in your local shopping mall,ive got heaps that way,the glass has cost me nothing,old windows,cracked fish tanks..good luck..
apparently using wet/dry sand paper to sand down the edges saves u some $ and is easy to do urself,...
thanks guys, so far the best quote i have is $95 with the edges softened (arrow something or other ) :rolleyes: not good with the technical stuff.
Have you tried asking glass places for off cuts? They often sell scrap glass a lot cheaper but may have to cut it yourself, or they probably will for extra $.
Have you tried asking glass places for off cuts? They often sell scrap glass a lot cheaper but may have to cut it yourself, or they probably will for extra $.

That worked for me once. I wanted a piece for a picture frame I made and the guy just gave it to me.
whats the chances of finding 4 pieces the size im after and the same thickness???
cant hurt to ask i suppose
a quick question couldnt find answer under search.
if my front opening is 350ml high do i need to take any height off the glass to allow for the tracks??
The glass (clear float) itself is generally not that expensive. Getting the edges done and finger slots is the more expensive part. If you don't get the edging done it is likely to not silde well and dig up the plastic tracks. IMO you probably won't need 5mm glass anyway. Even on my larger enclosures I get away with using 3mm. I got some last month 4 sheets cut to size with edging and finger slots 3mmx500mmx600mm was around $150. The chances of getting off cuts for cheap or free is pretty slim. A lot of the off cuts or scrap are small and get tossed in the skip right away. Hope this helps.
a quick question couldnt find answer under search.
if my front opening is 350ml high do i need to take any height off the glass to allow for the tracks??

Yes you do. Your tracks should have come with instructions on how to measure the glass size. With the particular ones I use you measure from timber edge to timber edge and subtract 13mm. (Yours maybe different). Another way you can do it is (assuming the tracks are installed correctly) grab a metal ruler and place it in the rebate of the bottom track (where the bottom of the glass will sit) and measure up to the bottom of the top track. Then add the rebate size of the bottom track. Follow? Hope this helps too.
a quick question couldnt find answer under search.
if my front opening is 350ml high do i need to take any height off the glass to allow for the tracks??

Measure from theinside of the top track to the top of the bottom track then take off 1mm. Emery paper will take the edge of fine. Arrissed edges are expensive, the size you are looking at will cost $10-$15 a piece.
Glass and edges

Arissing [rounding or softening edges] is expensive, but very easy to do yourself if you have a sharpening stone [roughly 75 x 200] just hang approx. 20mm over the edge of a table and use your stone at 45 degrees in a filing action along the of the glass each edge takes about 40-50 seconds, for the [8] edges about 4-5 mins...cheers solar 17
Measure from theinside of the top track to the top of the bottom track then take off 1mm. Emery paper will take the edge of fine. Arrissed edges are expensive, the size you are looking at will cost $10-$15 a piece.

1mm don't you mean 11mm:shock:
1mm don't you mean 11mm:shock:

1mm is for clearance. If you are using a standard track you can measure the opening size and allow for the track but tmber,aluminium and plastic tracks are all different profiles.
1mm don't you mean 11mm:shock:

definately only 1mm. Steel ruler inserted into TOP track slot and measured to top edge of BOTTOM track.

sorry, missed a few posts. seems to be sorted
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I found my plastic tracs at home hardware, after bunnings had only brown and i was after white, i didnt come across any aluminium although i didnt look for it.
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