Gravid Beardy help

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AussiePythons Supporter
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Jan 23, 2008
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South West Victoria
Hi all, just a quick one.

My gravid female C/Beardy is coming onto about 18 days preg (after mating). Shes been off her food for a few days, digging every where, is very big and lumpy and I can now feel eggs.

I've put a lay box in, and shes been in a few times and had a dig and come out again. Tonight I put her in myself, and just dug a little in front of her into the substrate, and then sat back and watched. Well, she went straight for it and dug her self a pretty impressive hole. after about 20 mins she turned around and sat their , and I thought this is it!!! Then she casually walked out of the hole and sat up outside the lay box!!!!!!!!! No joy!

I thought she may have started to lay, but no. Is this normal. Should I leave the hole, or cover it back up to allow her to dig another one. Is she not happy with that hole. or is she still probably just gettign ready and practising digging ???

Help is appreciated
Leave the box as is mine spent a whole day in and out before she finally laid.

Is the box covered with a lid or not?

Mine prefered a box with a lid and the sand/cocopeat mix sloped up to the roof away from the entrance.

Here is a pic you can see the hole in the top right corner and bottom left is the mix all the way to the top. We also covered the tub to make it dark.

Hope this helps


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It has got a lid, however Ive had it off and on. It was getting pretty warm in their with the lid on, so Ive been mixing it up a bit. I might melt some holes in one end to let some of the warm air out and leave it on.

I went mad buying Vermiculit b/c i didnt know how much I was going to use, so Ive used that mixed with a bit of water to give it some bulk, and hold together when she's digging.

How long did it take for yours to lay??
Probably about 1 1/2 hours she only laid twelve her first ever clutch. She eventually dug a hole along one side under it all and thought she may not be able to breath but she was fine, aslong as the font hole is not completely covered it should be ok.

Have you put it away from the lights and heat?
alternative to vermiculite

If she doesn't like it use cocopeat and washed play sand 50/50 cocopeat comes in a brick and you have to put it in water to make it soft again.

Here is my girl coming out of it


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No worries, if Ive had no luck in next day or so, Ill change. I think I ve got 3-4 bricksin the cupboard that I use for the frogs. It expands when u add water?? Is that the stuff.

Also, I'm a bit worried if she lays, say in the morning when Im at work. and not getting home till tommorrow night, Will the eggs b OK for this amount of time b4 I can get them into the incubator??
I would move it away from the heat as much as possible.

As far as being ok the whole day not sure it depends on the temp inside the lay box i suppose, this was my first cluth also so still learning.

And yes it comes in a brown bick form and expands in water.

Mine would have nothing to do with an open container thats why I cut the hole in the front really low, then she was in and out all the time.

Good luck
Thanks for your help. I'll do that 2morro night if we dont have eggs.

I'm in hte same boat. 1st time Ive had a gravid girl. You can read all the info on something, but sometimes u just nead some practical hints to go with it.

Time for bed I think.

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