gravid help?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2008
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I'm stuck with what to do so I'm after some advice again from breeders. A week ago I put a thread saying:

I've gone away for placement for university and my partner is looking after my reps and he's accidently mistaken my instructions and has fed one of my boys that has been cooled and breeding. The temps he has is 30 degree hot spot during the day and 20 degree hot spot during the night. Are these temps sufficient for him to digest the food and continue breeding or will he need the temps raised 24/7 and finish breeding this year.

The replies that the temps should be ok but we decided to raise the temps up as we didn't want to risk the food not being passed through and he realised that it was the girl that he fed not the boy. Now today my partner is saying that she will not leave the tile (source of heat), she doesn't like being touched and she looks like she is coming up to shed. If mating has been successful and this is her pre lay shed (they have been together since mid june) what temperatures will she require from now on? Do I provide her that constant 30 degrees heat and she decides where she wants to go or does she still need cooling during the night?

This is my first year breeding and I'm really stuck with what to do so any help is greatly appreciated.
Full heat

[IMO] ....If they haven't done "it" by now they aren't going to....once again [IMO] full heat 24/7 until 22nd Dec. then a slow night time heat reduction until 1st june and repeat the cycle [breeding]...cheers solar 17 [Baden]
hey thanks... I have caught them mating a couple times so fingers crossed but not holding my breath. I will continue with full heat 24/7. Is it too early for her to be coming up to her pre lay shed if they were introduced in mid June?
What species are you talking about here? If she is on her pre-lay, you can usually see they are gravid by this stage, have you put a laybox in for her?
re gravid

Usually mine go back onto normal night day temps mid june,they do plenty of mating when cooled earlier april may and ealy june,basically you work out a routine that you like and stick to it,Brian Barnett has a good article on childrens pythons on the herp shop,theres also other info on southern x reptiles.
sorry, they're spotted pythons. As the female keeps pulling away when my partner tries to pick her up and the fact that she might be gravid he's reluctant to pick her up and he said he can't really tell if she is bigger or not. I know a breeder in the area so I might ask him if he will come to have a look at her. I wasn't expecting her to have her pre-lay so soon (if that is what it is) so I haven't got a box yet but I will tell my partner what he needs and get him to put it in for me.... Really bad time to be going away!
yeah I've read the southern x reptile articles but I will have a look at the other one you mentioned. I have a copy of keeping and breeding aussie reptiles as well but I've left it back at home in Brisbane (I'm in Mount Isa for another 4 weeks for placement)
One last question... Is it too early for her to be having her prelay shed if they have only been together for 2 months? The first time I introduced them together she did the tail wagging and he was chasing her around the enclosure then they went into the hide so I didn't see anything happen. Most of the time they have been together in their hides, the only time they have been seen mating was a week ago?
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