I'm stuck with what to do so I'm after some advice again from breeders. A week ago I put a thread saying:
I've gone away for placement for university and my partner is looking after my reps and he's accidently mistaken my instructions and has fed one of my boys that has been cooled and breeding. The temps he has is 30 degree hot spot during the day and 20 degree hot spot during the night. Are these temps sufficient for him to digest the food and continue breeding or will he need the temps raised 24/7 and finish breeding this year.
The replies that the temps should be ok but we decided to raise the temps up as we didn't want to risk the food not being passed through and he realised that it was the girl that he fed not the boy. Now today my partner is saying that she will not leave the tile (source of heat), she doesn't like being touched and she looks like she is coming up to shed. If mating has been successful and this is her pre lay shed (they have been together since mid june) what temperatures will she require from now on? Do I provide her that constant 30 degrees heat and she decides where she wants to go or does she still need cooling during the night?
This is my first year breeding and I'm really stuck with what to do so any help is greatly appreciated.
I'm stuck with what to do so I'm after some advice again from breeders. A week ago I put a thread saying:
I've gone away for placement for university and my partner is looking after my reps and he's accidently mistaken my instructions and has fed one of my boys that has been cooled and breeding. The temps he has is 30 degree hot spot during the day and 20 degree hot spot during the night. Are these temps sufficient for him to digest the food and continue breeding or will he need the temps raised 24/7 and finish breeding this year.
The replies that the temps should be ok but we decided to raise the temps up as we didn't want to risk the food not being passed through and he realised that it was the girl that he fed not the boy. Now today my partner is saying that she will not leave the tile (source of heat), she doesn't like being touched and she looks like she is coming up to shed. If mating has been successful and this is her pre lay shed (they have been together since mid june) what temperatures will she require from now on? Do I provide her that constant 30 degrees heat and she decides where she wants to go or does she still need cooling during the night?
This is my first year breeding and I'm really stuck with what to do so any help is greatly appreciated.