Not so new Member
i know there have been a load of "feeding green tree snakes" but i couldnt find my exact answer, now the question is reguard mainly GTS and rodents, i have been told my a person who keeps them that i should not try to wean them onto pinkies as the snakes cant digest the rodents properly and it will cause alot of problems, so i turned to look at feeder fish for the snakes and apon reading infomation reguarding GTS eating fish the Thiaminase problem keeps popping up with reguards to feeding gold fish and othe feeder fish. so if pinkies are not a viable option, and either a goldfish and some other feeder fish, does anybody who keeps these snakes know what species of fish should be be feed to avoid the thiaminase deficiency. sorry if this has already been answered ive been reasearch all of the net for about 2 days and i cant seem to find the exact answer there is alot of yeah ots ok then straight after no way you cant to that, so if anybody with expierece can help it would be appreciated.