green tree snakes

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Active Member
Mar 5, 2008
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friend of mines got what i believe to be a green tree snake ive nver seen it but its reasonably small its green with a yellow bellie living near her gutter sumwhere and its eating the native green tree frogs around her house just wondering could i just go round and pick it up or is t venomous or what
all help would be greatly appreciated
yer but the lady whants it gone or she might get the shovel out thats all
God every one is full of helpfull info today, Green tree snakes are non venemouse, although you shouldnt handle wild snakes if it means you picking it up for 5 mins and moving it compared to it getting cut up with a shovel then yes go and move it to a close bush or similar soroundings although it will probably eventualy find its way back.
cheers you seem to be the only helpfull person here if it bites say dogs will it harm them cause i like them so if she dont want it at her house ill let it go out the back of mine if it wont harm my dogs if it bites them also temperment chances of being bitten
It has no venom it can not possibly hurt your dogs, you should be more worried about your dogs harming it.
it WILL bite you and you WILL die

LMAO, Your mean.

GTS are quite harmless.
Tell the lady that she is lucky to have it living there.
If the food source is plentiful and she removes it, another will take its place.

So let her know to just leave it alone, as it is no danger to her.
naa they are bboth as harmles as the snake there scared of the little skinks and sand frogs we get here lol so theres plenty of food for it around here snady frogs skinks gekos ect
yer i tried that but she asked me to come round one day and just move it i cant see no harm in that specualy if theres other spots with plenty of frogs for it to eat plus id rather sea it here eating the wild frogs then have her ring up and say she chopped him up

also can i just pick it up cause imonly new to the snake business im getting my first for chrissy gunna get an olive but im fair confident to just pick it up just wondering any tips so i dont get bitten like gap by tail or by the neck or what cheers
Call someone to come and relocate it.You're not even 100% sure its a gts.
I'm not sure why you keep bumping - advice has been given suggesting that the resident allow the snake to stay there, or to get a professional to remove it. If you are waiting for 'permission' to remove it yourself, it seems unlikely that anyone is going to suggest it!
lol i wasnt but thanks for the heads up
ok ill get the lady to ring a snake catcher that way everyone wins
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