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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2004
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When I first started into herps I thought that the Green Tree Python was the ultimate and if I could have justifyied the $7000 at the time I would have bought one.
But now the more I see the less atractive the GTP is becoming.
Some of the snakes I see on this site have really change my thinking.
At first I thought I'll just start with Diamonds for the first couple of years and see how it goes.
Now Ive got an Olive pair on order and making plans on a good pair of Darwins, I am falling in love with all the Hypos, and nearly made an offer on the Bredli pair for sale on Herp Trader at the moment. Green Tree Snakes are taking my fancy, and Id love an Arafura File Snake in my fish tank beside the TV.
Now each time I see a GTP it seems that little bit less special.
Ive only been back into herps for six months.
The best laid plans of mice and men.
True dat! My list is endless.........I know i enjoy having caught this particular 'bug', although my bank account tends to disagree with me....ooooh dat and my family :lol: :wink:
the bug hmmm lol. i think i have it nowwwww
I see no one commented on the GTPs not being so special anymore.
i have never thought them to be as special as other ppls opinions. Sure they are a nice snake but i would take RSP over them anyday, jmo
I'll stick up for the GTP's ,
IMO they are the best and always will be,
and cant wait to win tatts so i can get meself some.
Yep, i'm with ya snake6p. GTP's are on the top of my list!

Check this out! Just one of the many variations being produced in the U.S

:shock: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! could you image the price tag though. :roll:
GTP's are still top of my list, certainly top of the Australian stuff that at least I have some chance of getting one day.
i got a long list most includes various forms of carpet pythons, quiet afew colubrids, and alot of death adders (need to upgrade licence :( lol)

that gtp is insane..... i cant belive the stuff they are produceing over there designer snakes are THE thing over there which is a shame i think but i spose they are designed for the pet trade and are not even in the natural range of most these snakes

whats the go with getting snakes to produce stripes ? i mean how do you get a python that has blotches to make lines n stripes ?

having said that...... id love striped jungles or bredli's
Gabe said

Just one of the many variations being produced in the U.S

Granted that is something special, but show me an Aussie GTP that comes close to it.
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