Handling my new snake????

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Sep 11, 2009
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i have had my little girl willow for just over a week. She is a 7 month old spotted python. She is very snappy as I don't think she has been handled much and was just wanting to know the best way to get her use to being handle. Any advice would be great. I don't want to over do it and i don't want to under do it but most of all I want her to be ok and not get too stressed.
Just give it time let her settle in and then start to handle her, 15 minutes of an evening every few days is plenty.Shoudl'nt take too long before she gets used to it.
hook her out of her click clack/enclosure. leave her on the hook, just angle the hook and let her come up the hook to your hand. you will find doing this wont stress her and she will just keep moving up your arm
i have had my little girl willow for just over a week. She is a 7 month old spotted python. She is very snappy as I don't think she has been handled much and was just wanting to know the best way to get her use to being handle. Any advice would be great. I don't want to over do it and i don't want to under do it but most of all I want her to be ok and not get too stressed.
ok first thing id do it make sure it will feed , before even thinking about handling it ... give it a couple of weeks to settle in .
Sorry to dig up an old thread but, ive had my baby stimson hatchling for about 4 days now and was wondering if i should leave him to settle in more before i handle him? or have an attempt tonight?. i havent seen much of him yesturday and today as hes just hiding in his hide!, dont know wether i want to disturb him or not.
you might wanna leave it for 2 weeks or so then try feeding it. if it feeds then its all good. also make sure your snake is in a click clack and not a big enclosure since it's just a hatchling and way too small for a proper enclosure. hope this helps =)
Ah yep :p hes in a click clack now, and the click clack is in his future adult enclosure. so he was fed by the pet shop Saturday just gone and the pet shop guy reckons i should feed him again on saturday?. is it best to wait two weeks?
I have a stimmie, he was a year old when I got him and I didn't touch him for 2 weeks when I first got him. I think....and I've been advised....that they need time to get used to their new environment and new smells.....I know it's hard to wait....but it worked for me.....
Ok i think i will wait a bit longer till i handle him then!, i just so worried im gonna stress him, i already feel bad by scaring him tonight when i gave him fresh water lol.
Like it has been suggested, leave for a week or so a week at the least, try feeding if your snake feeds, wait another couple of days for meal to digest then handle him
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