Have a bit of a problem

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Jul 27, 2009
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Hi everyone
Have a bit of a problem I’m new to the reptile pet thing and a bit unsure, I have a 1200x 500x 450 enclosure decked out with all the bells and whistles. I’ve bought a 18 months children’s python she’s at 1200 long and the best temperament at first she has been in the pet shop for 6 week before I got her and she shed 3 days after being there, I’ve had her for a week now and the first 2 days she was very active and now she is just hiding in her log and won’t come out at all not to drink or eat. I have been told by the pet shop that she did not eat while she was there either and that she was treated for mites just before I picked her up. Can anyone tell me is this normal behaviour or should I be concerned, one other thing she is a bit grumpy as well. Enclosure temp is at 33.5c ranging down to 27c she gets 12 to 14 hrs simulated day and 10 night with only the red heat lamp.
do you have a cold side at 20-24C... ie. a thermal gradient.

if shes hiding and grumpy, check her eyes for milkyness as she might be in shed mode and be blinded temporarily therefore being more defensive.
i recon she might be going into shed, keep an eye out for cloudy eyes.

when was her last feed?
It is a bit difficult to know where to start.

The biggest problem buying from a pet shop is not knowing the history of the animal. Thing like what it was feeding on and how often which are fundamental to getting it started in a new home.

Basics are having hide spots along the temperature range of the enclosure to help it feel comfortable and safe at what ever temperature it needs to be at. If it is always at the hot end raise the temperature. If it is at the cold end then it it probably too hot inside.

I would leave it alone for a week or so... sitting in its hide or where ever it wants to hang out. I would then offer it a warm thawed mouse... a tad bigger than its head, wiggling it like it is alive. If its tongue starts a flickering then you know you are on the right track. If it is completely disinterested then try again a week later.

It will take a while to settle in.

On the plus side it did not get to be that age/size because it was a poor feeder.
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it takes snakes a while to unstress after the move to new surroundings so dont be to stressed leave it alone for a week offer food if it excepts great if it doesn't leave another week try again then once its taken 3 or 4 feeds then start handling for 5-10 minutes at a time.
Thanks for your help all, her last feed was around 6 to 8 weeks ago this is a guess as i only know what the pet shop can tell me
She is 1200mm in length and 18 months old Children’s Python (ANTERESIA CHILDERNI) ok found out more info on her she was a 4yr old kids pet from a pair M/F which he was going to breed but the male got out and was killed by the cat so he sold her. He also said she was feeding up to the time of sale to pet shop on frozen sub adult mice
some snakes go into a brumation mode, even if temps aren't cooled down, it's as if they know it's winter, they also need a week or two to destress after being moved to a new environment, leave her be for a week, but walk past the enclosure regularly so she can see you and get used to the sight of you. Once it warms up a bit more try feeding her then.
Do you know if the previous owners cool their snakes over winter?
ITS A BIG GIRL anyway if the temps are right give the snake time to settle in dont worry about it hiding at all dont disturb or fuss over the snake by opening and shutting doors and checking all the time. leave it be, mabe its going into shed, mabe its just geeting used to its new surroundings so just fill water bowl half way and let it alone for a week or two .Why did they, and how did they treat for mites?A snake that size can go a very long time without food so stop streesing! How did you measure the snake? goodluck :|
They treated her with mite spray as her scales where lifting but that all seems ok, scales where down and skin was smooth and healthy looking last time I saw her. As for the size when I put her in the new home she stretched out from 1 end to the other, enclosure is 1200 long and her head was touching 1 end and her tail as she started up the wall touched the other end. They had her in a 50x30x20cm enclosure and she looked much smaller there I was a bit shocked when I saw how long she really was.
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