Hey guys,
Just wondering if any of the sparkys can answer a question.
I've got an almost brand new heat cord here and the end plastic knob was ripped off, is it possible to get a sparky to repair it or should I just ditch it?
Figured if there just a closed circuit at the end it wouldn't be a big deal getting an electrician to join the two wires and seal it off, if its to risky ill obviously ditch it.
Just wondering if any of the sparkys can answer a question.
I've got an almost brand new heat cord here and the end plastic knob was ripped off, is it possible to get a sparky to repair it or should I just ditch it?
Figured if there just a closed circuit at the end it wouldn't be a big deal getting an electrician to join the two wires and seal it off, if its to risky ill obviously ditch it.