Heat cord repair?

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Hey guys,

Just wondering if any of the sparkys can answer a question.

I've got an almost brand new heat cord here and the end plastic knob was ripped off, is it possible to get a sparky to repair it or should I just ditch it?

Figured if there just a closed circuit at the end it wouldn't be a big deal getting an electrician to join the two wires and seal it off, if its to risky ill obviously ditch it.

Sorry mate I have not seen how they work inside so cannot comment. Maybe if you posted a picture of the end and inside the cap I may be able to tell.
I've cut the end off them before so I could feed it through corflute. It's doable but obviously not recommended. The most important things to consider would be the repair termination quality and that the insulation would need to be rated for 240V. A sparky would know how to ensure both of these though.
I'd just ditch it...not worth risking it, could end up with a cooked reptile :shock:

Buy a new one, they are only $20 or so dollars on eBay :)
At the cost per hour of a sparky you would need to get it done free or really cheap to warrant getting it repaired but as Saximus has said it is doable.
Ditch it, it's not as though they're the most expensive of herp supplies...
I have a few sparky mates, not trying to save some extra bucks just annoyed cause its brand new lol and could get it fixed for free.

Was only asking incase someone had past experience, Ill ask a mate to have a look for me.
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