Heat Mat Melting

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Active Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
I have a reptipet heat mat, it is under a small reptile one glass tank under the heatmat I have foam then the table it sits on. Its only a 5w mat, this morning i woke up just before 5am and decided to get up, just as well because I walked into the lounge room and smelt something burning, the heat mat had completely disintingrated the foam under it and the heat mat was glowing red and was melting, it has also burnt the table Has anyone else had this happen I was told a 5w emmitted so little heat that I would need a thermastat.
I am now a little paranoid and wanted to know if there are heats with inbuilt thermostats and what would be the safest mat or cord.
foam or polystyrene?
polystyrene will melt with heat
You need some air flow between it all. i use a tile above the polystyrene to protect it, then use some small square bits of wood to raise the tank off the mat (but make sure the timber pieces arent directly on the mat - that sort of pressure is no good for it too)

The mat maybe only 5W but its designed to dissipate heat - when you suffocate it it will fail...
I have heard so many disaster stories regarding Heat Mats catching on fire and melting. I am just about to set up 3 Click Clacks and use heat mats but the last thing I need is a fire hazard when I'm not home. I would also like some info from people who have used heat mats and had issues.

I will be using a Thermostat and I suggest that you do too :)
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