help bearded dragons

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Not so new Member
Aug 22, 2008
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hey well this is how it went i have just got 2 bearded dragons from someone on this site not going to name them well they gave me 2 bearded dragons and they said they are about 1 year old but they are only about 10-12cm total length:evil: so i dont no what to do with them i have been giving them crix with ultimate calcium and a bit of frit and veg bt is there any thing they would get them up to the right size they need to be?? coz 12cm for a 1 year old BD is tiny could i give theym pinky's thanks
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Hi reptile_boy_6

please confirm species(are you able to post or send pics)
id be happy to help,get all details grams.,length(was that taken to svl?)
current feeding schedule(over a week)...consumed amount(per day) & greens

yes ,if the dragons are under 3yrs old it i very possible to obtain full growth

pm me anytime:D

they are too small for pinkies, besides they are only good for adults, particularly breeding females.

they will grow faster, and be far more healthier if you seperate them and keep them out of site from each other.

keep there basking spot at 40C and the cool side down to 20C

offer them small feeders three times a day, as much as they will eat in 15 minuets, crickets or roaches. NOT mealworms, they wont benefit the situation AT ALL) tweeser feed extra. (no larger then the space between there eyes) offer greens daily (endive, bokchoy, dandelion) suppliment with rep cap calcum with D3 and multivitamin.

get them each there own enclosure and a reptisun 10.0 (you can spread this over the two seperate vivs)

apart from my three adults, i recently aquired two very growth stunted animals, of which in the last month have grown between 5-15 cm. and are well on the way to growing adult size. from 10cm at 10 months. and 15cm at 8 months.

one thing that i do for small individuals, is buy jurrasidiet canned silkworms, as they are the MOST nutritious insect you could feed. i also offer a protein and appetite stimulant known as repti-aid, chicken baby food and accidopholis to boost them via a needless syringe. licking it off their noses.

please PM me, if you have any Q's or need some more help with aquiring size on them. or having trouble getting them eating.
Kirby... so canned feed is better than live?

live feed stimulates a feeding responce....needed for the dragon to hunt
are you saying they dont need to be predatory....or have predatory instincts to be healthy?

please explain?
did u get them freighted?
had u seen photos of them prior to purchase. ?
in this instance, silkworms are a better option. considering their stunted growth.

not once did i say to feed only canned food, and no live feeders or anything like what you are insinuating.

it is possible to get 300 silkworms for $15 at some QLD pet stores. although in other states its between 30c-$1 a pop. the canned variety hold their nutrition, calcium and other goodies. were crickets and roaches dont. silkworms dont need calcium dust.

gutloaded, dusted crickets are good. but silkworms are better. what i would do in this situation, and what i have done... is would provide via tweezers a majority of the protein feed, as silkworms.

small and stunted beardies dont have a huge attention span for fast moving insects. you will find with experience that they will easily snatch a wriggling cricket from tweezers, when they cant be bothered, or dont have the energy to hunt. as we see in 12cm 1 yr old dragons.

when they recognise the tweesers as food givers, they usually take anything from them. crickets, roaches, silkworms (dead or alive) pellets, greens and veg,

stunted and small dragons, who have been mistreated or neglected to the point they are 1/5 the size they should be... dont usually have a strong survival instinct to hunt, and be the big preditor. they need patients and willing caregiver. they seem boost up to a normal dragon when they gain some decent size.

good to hear your getting two seperate Vivs reptile boy. would you send me a PM with some pics of both dragons and their new vivs? to see if i could assist in lights, setup, temps or anything else you may need a hand wth..
hello sorry but my camra is broke so i carnt get any pics but both the BDs love to hunt down the crix in a click clack but there no taking any fruit or veg yet well they only take a tiny bit and one is looking a lot fatter now be for i got them they were like sticks
did u get them freighted?
had u seen photos of them prior to purchase. ?

yes i did see pics of them thats why i got them coz the way they were being treated was so bad i thought i would give them a new home and a new start on life with new cages (they were in wire cages be4 i got them) and all the right things they needed to live a happy life
using a dropper... drop water on the nose of the dragon...this entices them to drink
stimulating them to eat....wetting greens & hand feeding encourages thought

any probs pm
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