in this instance, silkworms are a better option. considering their stunted growth.
not once did i say to feed only canned food, and no live feeders or anything like what you are insinuating.
it is possible to get 300 silkworms for $15 at some QLD pet stores. although in other states its between 30c-$1 a pop. the canned variety hold their nutrition, calcium and other goodies. were crickets and roaches dont. silkworms dont need calcium dust.
gutloaded, dusted crickets are good. but silkworms are better. what i would do in this situation, and what i have done... is would provide via tweezers a majority of the protein feed, as silkworms.
small and stunted beardies dont have a huge attention span for fast moving insects. you will find with experience that they will easily snatch a wriggling cricket from tweezers, when they cant be bothered, or dont have the energy to hunt. as we see in 12cm 1 yr old dragons.
when they recognise the tweesers as food givers, they usually take anything from them. crickets, roaches, silkworms (dead or alive) pellets, greens and veg,
stunted and small dragons, who have been mistreated or neglected to the point they are 1/5 the size they should be... dont usually have a strong survival instinct to hunt, and be the big preditor. they need patients and willing caregiver. they seem boost up to a normal dragon when they gain some decent size.
good to hear your getting two seperate Vivs reptile boy. would you send me a PM with some pics of both dragons and their new vivs? to see if i could assist in lights, setup, temps or anything else you may need a hand wth..