Help black headed wont's to eat me

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Not so new Member
Jan 26, 2010
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He is around 12months old, you open his cage he will come out and hop on your hand all the other snakes you have to get them out. He is not scared of me and has no fear. He does not strike he just rubs his face against your hand then grabs and you are there for 15 to 20 min. With a snake trying to eat your hand.I have put my hand in a bucket of water hot or cold seems like for ages he has bubbles coming out of he's mouth but still will not let go. I now use welding gloves and it does not make a difference. Will he change his behavior. I feed him a small to med rat every week. Is that enough. It is for the others. Don't laugh his name is nevaeh which is heaven spelled backwards.
dam thats one mean lil fella lol maybe his got a taste for you, sorry i cant really help with that don't really know why that would be happening. but it is interesting. hope he calms down for you.
Thank you there must be a reason for his behavior, he even try's to eat the bed sheets if I put him down on them
I would feed a little more to see if the behaviour stops and if not what you can do is get a cotton tip and dip it in vinegar.

When he bites and stays on just gently rub the tip in the corner of his mouth and he will soon let go and learn that you dont taste very good.

Once he has learned that he wont bite again from my experience.
If he is 12 months old, he should be eating medium - large rats weekly. Feed him he's hungry!
I would feed a little more to see if the behaviour stops and if not what you can do is get a cotton tip and dip it in vinegar.

When he bites and stays on just gently rub the tip in the corner of his mouth and he will soon let go and learn that you dont taste very good.

Once he has learned that he wont bite again from my experience.

thats a good trick there associate him bitting things with a bad taste lol...but what if he likes vinegar haha jkz
Thank you so much I will try that. He scares me a bit now tho so I used the welding gloves. Would this still be ok.
Aspidities have a great food response,it sounds as thou you may need to feed larger food items,that age it should be on small-medium rats,every 7-10days..
Yes that's what I am feed it. He is a lot bigger then his brother and he never loses weight. He even gets leftover rats if there is any. And he has been wormed.
I had a black head python that use to do the same thing mate . Up his feeds and also if you have other snakes make sure you give your hands and arms a good wash before handling your black head ...
Have you got any pics of him? If he is a lot bigger than his sibling you might need to up his food.

also if you have other snakes make sure you give your hands and arms a good wash before handling your black head ...

This is good practice before and after you handle any snake or animal
most woma's and black head's do that and the feed is any where from 5% to 20% of there body weight.
Thats just a BHP for you mate. There not ALL like that but some are. Just keep your hands away from his face, because when he gets bigger its gonna hurt. Some snakes aren't meant to be handled.
metho or vinegar white spirits rum like malibu or bicardi snakes hate if he bites genrally cotton bud or corner of teatowel dipped in it should work wave it near his nose and mouht or dab on corner of mouth should well if not stop biting entirely atleast let go quick
I have the same problem with my female BHP loves her food and will latch on when ever she gets the chance so I handle her with a hook now when i need to get her out she's also bit cage defensive, she has a painful bite and takes time for her to let go. Still an awsome snake to own wouldn't give her up infact I am about to get another BHP very soon.
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