yikes, 4 weeks is ages,...were her eyes open more 4 weeks ago?
agreed with a vet visit, but its pointless unless ur gonna get the set up right,...
like Lolly has already said, basking temps of 40+, UVB and fluids,..
boil and mash some pumpkin, add water so its runny and a small pinch of calcium and pull it in and out of a large plastic syringe till its a smooth paste, then add a drop to her nose, stick ur fingernail between her lips and hopefuly she will start to lick,once licking, add more,... give her a bit (couple of mls) at a time, cover the remainder and store it in the fridge for up to 2 days.
this was she will get some 'easy to digest' substance with her fluids....
Over feeding her at the start is no good, you want to make sure her digestion kicks in before u fill her up. put her on the basking spot, if u cant get the temps right, microwave a 2kg bag or rice fro a few mins (you will have to check it is warm but not hot, (wrap it in a towel and cover her to make her warm thru).
(actually, heated rice bags are great fro night time heating, place it on a cushion, or beanbag for insulation, add towels, add dragon, add more towels and she'[ll be toasty warm for hours,...)
once again, make sure the rice bags are warm not hot, she will crawl off when it gets too much,...
if ur UVB bulbs are over 6 months old or further than 12 inches away from her theyre useless,...try getting her out in the sun (supervised ofcourse) if u can find any this weekend.
good luck, please let us know how she goes.