Hi ive just recently got a tri striped jungle and ive tryed 3 times over the last 6 or so weeks ive had him and all he does is strike but doesnt constrict he is a really awesome snake any idea's please help
a click clack as in a smaller container it is perfect for snakes your size what jamesbecker is getting at is that the enclosure is too boig for ur snake atm n therefore is not eating due to being uncomfortable inits current environment hope this helps mate
a plastic container with a lockable clicking lid. from big W. search a thread building a click clack and it will show you everything you need. put the snake in here until it has had like 10 or so feeds with you + shedded once or twice.
once it is a stable eater then you can move it into its bigger enclosure.
its probably not getting up to temp maybe in the bigger tank.
is it looking underweight/unhealthy?
o ok thanks for that so a smaller container in the one he is in now?? i just thought tht was a good size for him at his age cause i put my first snake a hatchie diamond into a 6x5x2 and she was fine but i guess all snakes are different thanks im uploading pics of this lil jungle so feel free to check him out thanks again
the little jungle looks quite healthy he is not skinny he has a good size weight to him he is about 50-60cm and about 80-90 grams so he is about as thick as my middle finger will look into gettin a smaller cage thanks
well if he is in good shape just leave him in the tank hes in,
it is going to warm up soon maybe bump the temp up so the ambient is like 25-26 for a week and see how that goes. hot spot no hotter than 34-35..
hey my bredli didnt eat to close to that to i was like you at the beggining and paniced you just have to what your temps and try not to handle him as much so he is settled i left my lil fella as hard as it was not to bring him out and offered him once every week tryed for ages at a time n failed over n over also heard it goes by the weather to try feeding on a warm clear day so i tryed that it wasnt until yesturday i tried he snapped at it currled around it then took his mouth off it n didnt seem intrested so i left him with it for bout 15min and came bak and he had eaten it, so keep checking temps handle him less n try feedin him on warm clear days and ya closure size does count he needs to feel safe and comfortable my hatchies are all in click clacks.gl
I have 2 coastals only eaten once in 6 weeks as long as your jungle is looking healthy try not to worry to much but put in smaller tub as mentioned clik clak so feels secure and leave for a week or so then try again
mate, if your snake is a healthy size atm thenthere shouldnt be too much to wory about. my yearling spotted went off food for over two months and only started feeding two weeks ago...this was because of cooler temperatures over the winter period...so maybe leave your little guy another month or so in the tank he is in and offer food like you normally would n he might come good as the temperature warms up.
hey my jungle just shed last night had to help him with the last 5cm of his tail im going to try feeding tomoz night hopefully now he has shed he is hungry fingers crossed ill let you know
Constant 31c leave it for 4 days offer it food if does not take a feed check its mouth, with all this striking business maybe it hurt its mouth, check for redness or pinkiness near its teeth, snakes are robust not to much can go wrong if treated right. anymore issues Pm me