HELP - My usually very placid stimmy has gone feral!!!

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Mar 28, 2008
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Hi everyone,

I have a 18 month old stimmy that has been a pleasure to handle since I got her last April. just recently she has gone completely feral. She wont let me go near her enclosure without striking at me.
Can someone let me know if they have had this problem before and how they dealt with it. Here are some reasons i have thought of, maybe you can let me know if im on the right track:
- Maybe she is hungry; I only fed her last Tuesday, however the weather has become warmer and Im assuming she is coming out of brummation (not sure if ive used the right term) and is requiring more food due to an increase in her metabolism.
- Last time I fed her I peirced the fuzzy mouse with a skewer and some blood dripped onto the paper towel at the base of the enclosure. Maybe she can still smell the mouse and is in feed mode still.

Please let me know what you think, all of your suggestions will be appreciated.

Im no expert but I have read alot and from experience with my female coastal lately maybe she is just feeling fresh and is looking for a mate....
Sounds hungry , a 18 month old stimmi could be eating much bigger ...try feeding it more and see if it calms down.
yea..try a bigger feed..
my 18mth old coastal is on dayold chicks already..
my 18 month olds are eating 2 large adult mice every 5-8 days.
bigggerrr fooood :) my 9 month old spotted is on 2x pinky rats for each feed (tiny bit bigger then the fuzzy mice that i was buying).. and thats every 6-10 days.

is there a noticeable lump in ya stimmy when ya feed it?
I was told that the size of the food item needs to be a little larger than the widest part of the snake and make a noticable bulge in it. I'm not an expert, but imo sounds like she's very hungry.
she needs bigger food. an adult mouse or a big fuzzy rat. match the of the mouse or rat just slightly larger than the thickness of her body
My 8 month old Children's is on fuzzie mice and my 7 month old bredli's are on pinky rats.

The poor snake must be starving.
I have the same problem. She isn't hungry...she won't eat anything that's given. I thought it might be the season or stress. She still hasn't eaten for 5 months and has not calmed down
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