Help Needed - Beardie Fights

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
Hi all

I currently have 2 central dragons at the moment. Ruski female 11 months and prickles male 9 months.

He is a lot bigger than her and lately he has been doing the signs of wanting to dominate/breed.

Only problem is has started to bite her and quiet hard as she has been bleeding behind the vents. Due to the stress she has lost weight and doesnt seem her usual weight.

My question is what can i do?

I dont really want them to breed as i dont have the time for breeding, the only option i could come up with is to trade him in to local reptile shop and just keep her and nurse her back to health & happiness again.

Would she be ok by herself after having company for 6 months?
you will fine your Lizards will be happier if they were in separate enclosures
if they are fighting and doing damage to each other I would be separating them as quick as I could
She would be perfectly fine on her own. The only other option would be to get another enclosure & keep them seperate, although she may still lay eggs without a male but they would be infertile:)
seperate them, its obviouse they arent compatible.

i wouldn't be surprised if she has been bred to early and could become egg bound. they shouldn't be kept together, they are solitary animals.
I would re-check the female - sounds like 2 males,
when he bites are the 'doing a circle'.
The only biting Ive seen a male do to a female is on the back of the neck as he is mounting her,
Like adam said I'd check to see if she is actually a he, when you lift her tail up do you see one bump or two? if its two then its another male, have you seen the male ontop of her yet? he has prob tried to if she is actually a female. Does he headbob alot at her?
why would you get rid of one...?
just separate them....
your issue is either you've got 2 males or your enclosure is too small for the 2 of them living together....
they need space...
my best advice: separate them....
i had the same problem when kaida and kyro were living together,....the only option is to seperate them,....

what do u mean blood around the vent?
i've seen bruising around the neck area (and heard of blood there) but around the vent sounds nasty,....

females also do the circling thing, and head bobbing, i'm sure you have correctly assessed their genders,..sounds exactly what mine went thru.
put a divider up in the enclosure creating 2 smaller enclosures

or worst case senario see if anyone is keen to swap your male for a similar sized female i have found 2 females tend to get along alot better in the same enclosures
if u put a divider up, make sure they cant see each other, male will slam him self against the glass nonstop to teh point i worry he'll hurt himself.

and the girls are still stressed regardless of whether or not he can get to them.

my male lives in the bedroom,..door closed thruout the day,..the male i'm babysitting is in the spare room,...also door closed cos he'll hurt himself too.
I would re-check the female - sounds like 2 males,
when he bites are the 'doing a circle'.
The only biting Ive seen a male do to a female is on the back of the neck as he is mounting her,

I agree with Adam, get someone to re check your female, but whatever sex it is, it needs to be seperated.
I spoke to the breeder and they definately said its a female & male,

He is just a very aggressive male.

I havent got the facilities to house them separately and i tried the divider but chris was right he slammed himself up against it till he hurt himself.

I think the best option is to swap or sell him for a female and hosue them together instead as hes too agressive for ruski
I spoke to the breeder and they definately said its a female & male,

He is just a very aggressive male.

I havent got the facilities to house them separately and i tried the divider but chris was right he slammed himself up against it till he hurt himself.

I think the best option is to swap or sell him for a female and hosue them together instead as hes too agressive for ruski
You shouldn't get another one, there not meant to be housed in the same enclosure, they only come together to mate in the wild, why stress them out? just keep your female, or build another tank for another male.
i agree with Dave,

don't get another one.
you can get another one later when you can afford to have 2 enclosures
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