Help Needed! Eggs Layed, no incubator!

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Active Member
Dec 16, 2010
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My first year attempting to breed & my diamond has just laid 19 eggs inside her nest box & the incubator I've bought doesn't arrive for 1 or 2 days! She caught me off guard as there was no pre lay shed so I don't know what to do?
I've added some spaghum moss around her to increase humidity & moved box away from the direct heat. She's moved 9 eggs to the outside, should I try put theses back in or just leave them? They look normal (same as rest)

Any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated!


Let here maternally incubate them herself!


Cheers Brenton
Candle the ones she has pushed away, if they candle clear or if you can see veins you could try putting them back with her if not they are probably infertile. But there is a risk that if you disturb (try and put them back) her she will abandone the whole clutch.

Eggs are not as fragile as we think they are, they can handle getting a little cold and uneven temps. This is what i would do in your situation, leave the eggs in a warmer area of the enlcosure with a damp paper towl over the top of them. Set up an incubator, run it for a day with you vermiculite mix in it and then transfer the eggs. Assuming the ones she abandoned are viable.
Ok then, just found out my incubator will be here tonight so I'll set it up & transfer eggs tmrw morning.
I just put the eggs back in the clutch while she was basking, hopefully all good? Should have marked them to remember which were which. What about temp? Bask temp is set at 34 at the moment, should I adjust? 24 hour heat?

Thanks for your help.
So where they eggs are now is at 34? Marking doesn't matter as much as people think it does especially at this early stage.

I would leave heat on over night though.
Yeah bask temp was 34ish, I've moved them about 30cm from the direct heat so should I just leave like that overnight?
Female is back on the clutch now and hasn't moved any eggs by the looks of it. Can I just put damp paper towel on top of her since she's on the eggs?
You won't need to put anything there if she is on them. If it gets too dry she'll wet them in a special motherly way, but that won't happen over night. If she is back on them you don't need to worry about low temps.
I was busy as all hell one year and miss calculated the egg laying date for my diamond.
She is a big girL even without eggs.
Anyway, i noticed her out under the light slightly shivering 1 day.........stupid me let it go - to busy !!
2 days latter the same thing..............then it clicked [ i have blond hair ] i bet she has layed !!
so I pull her nest box out and there is 20 or so eggs laying there in a bunch and looking up at me.
She must have layed them 5 or so days ago.
The point is that with the spag moss and enclosure temps in that area at 29-30 Deg, they were fine and so will yours be.
just dont disturb her untill your ready to put them in the incubator.
Good luck,
Ok cool, well I guess we'll see how things go. Fingers crossed:)

Cheers for your advice!


Awesome! I feel much better now:)

Thanks everyone for your advice!
Thanks Ben I'll check it now, should I offer my female a rat yet?
She not on the eggs now, hasn't been for 2 hours or so, just basking. Is that normal?
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