HELP please! Can't get my bearded dragons to eat!

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New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Darwin, NT
Very fresh newbie here...

I bought 2 x 6 month old beardie's 4 days ago. One has eaten maybe 13 crickets since then and the other has only had about 5. I'm so worried that they're going to die from lack of nutrition! And they refuse to go near their veggies too. Both have had a few licks of water out of a dropper.

I have them in a 1500 x 500 x 600 enclosure. Basking spot is 40 - 43 deg and cooler end is around 27 degrees. UVB is set for 14 hrs/day. I've been decreasing the heat but leaving it on overnight but now I'm reading that I probably shouldn't be?

All they seem to want to do is hide and sleep. They are very skittish, which I expected but will calmly sit on my hand while they are being held.

What am I doing wrong?
They may still be settling in to their new home due to only recently being moved in, leave them alone and let them settle in for a while longer and see if they are more interested in food at a later date. Your temps are fine, and it isn't like they haven't eaten at all. Don't stress too much unless it persists. :)

A few tips:
-Make sure they can get within 30cm of the UVB source
-Since you have two living together watch carefully for any signs of aggression/dominance
-Whether or not you provide night time heating is a controversial topic, so do your research and make an educated decision. Personally I don't unless it drops below 17c, because when I provided night time heat in the form of a heat mat he rarely used it, and would instead hide himself away in a crack somewhere and does fine regardless.
-Also make sure you dust the crickets with a calcium powder, and that they aren't larger than the space between their eyes
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dont stress. They can go ages without food. Just let them settle in. Keep the heat on them and just monitor them to make sure that they arent fighting or anything.

Makes me feel better. I thought being juveniles, they wouldn't survive the next few days without a meal!

They don't seem to be fighting. They sleep curled up next to each other.

I'll just keep trying them with insects then.
Thanks for the tips :)

* They can get within 30cms of the UVB
* I live in the NT so our very lowest minimum is 17. Most nights at this time of year it's still upwards of 20 deg. Might try the heat off at night and see how they go.
* Am dusting the crickets with calcium and I also have a multivitamin ready to go, once they actually start eating.
* No aggression at all so far. They're actually very cuddly with each other.
thats good everything sounds perfect. Just give them a few days and see how they go :)
Thanks, will do :)

Apparently, the breeder told me that I have 1 male and 1 female. He couldn't guarantee but said about 85% sure. They do look like male and female to me but I'm not an expert! How old do they have to be before you can sex them? The 'male' has a much broader head and tail base and is bigger in size, in general than the 'female'. Does that sound about right? I had a look under their tails but nothing really jumps out yet ;)
I would definatly turn the heat off at night and being 6 months old they may very well want to brumate at this time of year. I have 2 pygmy dragons that are 6 months of age and no matter what I did I could not stop them from brumating, it is built into them naturally. My 6 month old Centrals are still awake but they have slowed down considerably. As others have said, your temps sound fine, give them a good couple of weeks to "settle" in and they hopefully will come good.
Will try and get a decent pic of the tail base. Doesn't really bother me what sex they are but it would be good to know for future reference, obviously.

Today, they're actually both a lot more active and wandering around their enclosure more. Still ducking when we go ove,r but not running away so hopefully that's a good sign of things to come. And silly me just noticed that the smaller one appears to be shedding, but only her tail at the moment! Still not eating too well though, only 2 crickets each so far today!
Will try and get a decent pic of the tail base. Doesn't really bother me what sex they are but it would be good to know for future reference, obviously.

Today, they're actually both a lot more active and wandering around their enclosure more. Still ducking when we go ove,r but not running away so hopefully that's a good sign of things to come. And silly me just noticed that the smaller one appears to be shedding, but only her tail at the moment! Still not eating too well though, only 2 crickets each so far today!

2 crix each is a good start, if you can get them to eat 2 crix 3 times a day you will be away. Before you know it they will be eating you out of house and home, lol
What was the breeder feeding them, and how often ?

If they don't like crickets, maybe they'll be keener on woodies or superworms or mealworms . Or try feeding them the insects in a separate feeding tub or by hand maybe ?

Very easy for lively fast insects to escape little lizards in a big enclosure.
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I got a new Beardie about 5 days ago and because I was visiting my parents he didnt go into his enclosure until yesterday, and he was handled lots over the days by my siblings, even slept in my bed rather than in his box to keep him warm better at night. anyway since I got him home and in his new enclosure he has been very active, running around eating well and basking and I think it is because he was handled for those first few days rather than left alone in an enclosure, I have read a lot about them getting stressed easily and not to be handled for a few days but I did completely opposite and he is great and very happy, even sits at the glass waiting for us to pick him up, then he just chills on our shoulders watching tv, very happy little guy
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