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Nov 3, 2008
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:? About 2 months ago I bought a BHP, about 2 metres long. The cage it was in was only 800x500x300mm, so I built a new one out of Malamite - 1.5mx600x500mm with a perspex front plus an 18W fluoro for decoration purposes. It has a plywood hide and an air vent at each end, plus a basking shelf full length of the box.

As I am new to the Forum, I am confused by all the advice regarding heating. I live in Cooktown, summer average temperature about 34 during the day and about 27 at night with high humidity. Winter temperatures would be about 27 day and 16 degrees at night with considerably lower humidity.

Some people in the Forum say used heat rocks, heat lamps, heat pads, heating lamps - red, green etc., ultraviolet etc. etc. etc.

Could someone please tell me what I need to do to keep this snake warm in winter and cool in summer! Also, it hasn't eaten for about 3 and a half months, and has not shown the slightest interest to do so, completely ignoring fresh rats, live rats and defrosted rats. Sometimes it comes out of its hide during the day but mostly stays inside. It looks very healthy, not skin and bones, but I am concerned about it not eating.

Dopey 1
never use heat rocks for a start prone to failing and hard to set up with a thermostat never mind when they fail its usually overheat thus leading to burns on your snake.

its probably not eating cuz its not been warm enough you need a basking spot provided by a spot light (60 watt glob about 30 cm from the basking shelf at one end will do) of 30-35c forget what pet shops tell you and what your out side temp is, your snake (as long as you provide the necacary hot and cold ends) will make itself comfortable.

also you should take it to the vet asap as there could be many things wrong with it at this point, it might cost a bit but its better than haveing a $1200 snake die on you.
Is he kept inside, or outside? If he is inside, is the room airconditioned, or thermo controlled?

This could make a big difference as far as what is required.
agreed blind snake ..people seem to forget not everyone lives in a cold victorian climate and presume that all snakes need the same heating as them ...FNQ temps are way different to southern and should be taken into account before recommending the cage requirements...if your house isnt aircon and believe it or not us QLDers can live with out it ...check the temps in your room where you house your snake keep a therm set up in the room and allow this to be taken into account before turning the heat on in your cage ...and if you are having feeding problems check back with whom you bought the snake off see if they can give you a few tips or like was said get a vet check up to rule out anything that may be going on ...other then that it might just need time to settle in after all you did place it in a new setup ...:)
That high up, do you really need heating for him at all? BHPs come from QLD, so wouldn't the normal air temperature be enough for him? Being mostly ground dwellers I would suggest a heatmat on the floor would work just as good, and in my opinion safer than lights and take up less room. You only need one that will heat one-third of the enclosure. I actually have a 10W heatmat inside my tank with a sheet of glass sitting on the mat to help disperse the heat and no thermostat.

Have you tried mice instead of rats? I found some of my snakes are rather fussy with new smells & often refuse to eat them. Try thaw a rat in same bucket as a mouse to see if he'll take a rat that smells like a mouse.
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